An investigation of industry 4.0 skills requirements
The Industry 4.0 wave is built on technological advancement that is bringing about significant change. The impact of Industry 4.0 is being felt across all industries, including the education sector. During the 2019 State of the Nation address, the President of South Africa pointed out that the government was seeking to respond to the change in skills requirements. In this paper, a systematic literature review will be performed to investigate Industry 4.0 skills requirements in the engineering profession and the role of capability development in meeting Industry 4.0 requirements. An exploration of the impact of Industry 4.0 on technical institutions as opposed to academic institutions will also be discussed. This paper incorporates this exploratory investigation into detailed research on developing a skills development framework that seeks to bridge the gap between Industry 4.0 skills requirements and development in South Africa ; Die verskynsel van Industrie 4.0 word gedryf deur tegnologiese vordering wat beduidende verandering teweegbring. Die impak van Industrie 4.0 is oor alle industrieë waarneembaar, insluitend die onderwyssektor. Gedurende die 2019-staatsrede het die President van Suid-Afrika daarop gewys dat die regering poog om die verandering in vereistes vir vaardighede te hanteer. In hierdie artikel word 'n sistematiese literatuuroorsig uitgevoer om vas te stel wat die vereistes is vir Industrie 4.0-vaardighede in die ingenieursprofessie asook die rol van vaardigheidsontwikkeling om aan Industrie 4.0-vereistes te voldoen. 'n Ondersoek na die impak van Industrie 4.0 op tegniese instellings in teenstelling met akademiese instellings word ook bespreek. Hierdie werkstuk inkorporeer hierdie verkennende ondersoek in gedetailleerde navorsing oor 'n vaardigheidsontwikkelingstruktuur wat ten doel het om die gaping tussen vereistes vir vaardighede vir Industrie 4.0 en ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika te oorbrug