Background: Health information technology (IT) solutions can aid healthcare reform efforts, but without proper information management, these efforts are futile. In this study, we used Kuwait as an example of a high per-capita gross domestic product country that faces information management challenges to draw insights that can be generalised to other developed countries. Objective: (i) to uncover the status quo of information management practices in public hospitals and (ii) to offer recommendations to improve them. Method: This study analysed qualitative and quantitative accreditation-related data pertaining to the compliance with the information management standard at all secondary care public hospitals over two accreditation cycles. Results: Overall, public hospitals had made positive progress in their compliance with the information management standard. However, issues still existed with (i) developing and implementing an information management plan, (ii) involving the appropriate stakeholders in selecting health IT solutions and (iii) access to the Internet by staff and patients. Conclusion: Evidence underscored the importance of proper information management driven by clear centralised strategic plans. Implications: With the rapid adoption of digital health systems, the role of health information management leaders should not be undervalued. Embracing health IT solutions with strong information management practices can aid healthcare reform efforts.
"Featuring cutting edge research from top elections scholars, Pandemic at the Polls examines the context under which the 2020 U.S. elections were buffeted by a global pandemic unfolding during a hotly contested presidential election, how states and voters responded, and how to fortify the administration of elections for the future"--
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Part I: Background : access and integrity. 1. Whither election rigging : the puzzle of election reform ; 2. Election day breakdowns in the twenty-first century : voting landscape and integrity vs. access -- Part II: Analysis. 3. Voter registration ; 4. Polling place and non-polling place voting ; 5. Personnel ; 6. Voting technology ; 7. Whither election rigging revisited.
Aquest article analitza àlbums il·lustrats en català que projecten i enalteixen la figura femenina mitjançant patrons narratius estratègics, pretesament intencionats. El corpus actual de lectures infantils d'aquesta tipologia concreta ha experimentat un creixement sense precedents aquest últim lustre, amb títols paradigmàtics que encapçalen rànquings de vendes i omplen aparadors de llibreries. En síntesi, poden inferir-se dues grans línies temàtiques amb textualitats connectades a les noves feminitats. D'una banda, s'hi constata un fil anàleg a la coeducació, corrent avui dia tendència, bastit per un reguitzell d'exemplars nodrits d'una pedagogia literària que promulga un discurs d'empoderament femení àvid i eixerit: revertint, reformulant i inclús transgredint rols i estereotips tradicionalment associats a les dones. D'altra banda, copsem també un contingent destacat de llibres de no-ficció amb què es pretén rescabalar figures històriques, posar en valor les grans referents actuals i impulsar noves idolatries.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan berfokus untuk menguji ada atau tidaknya pengaruh return on asset, kompensasi rugi fiskal, dan transfer pricing terhadap keputusan perusahaan dalam melakukan praktik penghindaran pajak (tax avoidance). Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Pengolahan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat uji berupa regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS versi 25. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan dari sektor industri dasar dan kimia yang terdaftar di BEI dari tahun 2016-2019. Dari populasi tersebut dihasilkan sebanyak 64 sampel yang dapat diolah setelah dilakukan metode purposive sampling .Data penelitian menggunakan data sekunder berupa annual report perusahaan sektor industri dasar dan kimia yang terdaftar di BEI. Dari 3 hipotesis yang diajukan, penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil bahwa hanya satu hipotesis yang dapat diterima, yaitu variabel independen return on asset yang memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap tax avoidance. Sedangkan untuk Hasil penelitian variabel kompensasi rugi fiskal dan transfer pricing tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tax avoidance. Irawan, Hendra Putra dan Aria Farahmita. 2012. "Pengaruh Kompensasi Manajeman dan Corporate Governance Terhadap Manajeman Pajak Perusahaan". Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 15 Banjarmasin Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Kurniasih, Tommy dan Maria M. Ratna Sari, 2013. "Pengaruh Return On Assets, Leverage, Corporate Governance, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Kompensasi Rugi Fiskal Pada Tax Avoidance". ISSN 1410- 4628BULETIN STUDI EKONOMI, Volume 18, No. 1, Februari 2013 Marfu'ah, Laila. 2015."Pengaruh Return On Asset, Leverage, Ukuran Perusahaan, Kompensasi Rugi Fiskal Dan Koneksi Politik Terhadap Tax Avoidance". 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In: Encyclopedia of Law & Economics (Gerrit De Geest, gen. ed., 2ndedition), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.8-34, 2023, Corporate Law and Economics Adam Badawi, ed.
This article shows how asymmetric information shaped slavery by determining the likelihood of manumission. A theoretical model explains the need to offer positive incentives to slaves working in occupations characterized by a high degree of asymmetric information. As a result, masters freed (and, more generally, rewarded) slaves who performed well. The model's implications are then tested against the available evidence: both in Rome and in the Atlantic world, slaves with high asymmetric information tasks had greater chances of manumission. The analysis also sheds light on the master's choices of carrots versus sticks and of labor versus slavery."Whatever work he does beyond what is sufficient to purchase his own maintenance can be squeezed out of him by violence only."Adam Smith,The Wealth of Nations1"[N]or because they are slaves do they less than free men need the lure of hope and happy expectation."Xenophon,The Economist2
In: (Forthcoming) Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe, 'The Economic Perspective: Demand and Supply in the Reduction of Transaction Costs in the Ancient World,' in Uri Yiftach-Firanko, Dennis P. Kehoe and David M. Ratzan (eds.), Transaction Costs in the Ancient Economy, Ann Arbor (MI): Michigan University
Informatics and Internet in particular favor largely the collection of data without user permission, their disclosure to third parties and their cross-analysis. The density of the human activities in the digital world thus constitutes a fertile ground for potential invasions of privacy of the users. Our works examine first the legal context of privacy protection, as well as the diverse computing means intended for the protection of personal data. A need for user centered solutions emerges, giving him/her more control over his/her personal data. In this perspective, we analyze European and French privacy legislation to extract data protection axis. Then we specify the constraints related to these axes, and we introduce them in existing security policy models. Thus we suggest the application of one model for both access control and privacy protection. The access control model should be extended by new privacy related conditions and parameters. To do so, we define the language XPACML (eXtensible Privacy aware Access Control Markup Language) based on XACML and new privacy extensions. Placed in an E-commerce context, we define a semantic model allowing to represent various electronic transactions contexts, and leading to a dynamic generation of context- aware XPACML policies. Looking for a vast protection of the personal data, we dedicate the last part of our works to the possible negotiations which can be made between a user and a service provider. Two protocols are proposed. The first one permits the negotiation of the terms and the conditions of data protection policies, while the second permits the negotiation of the requested data themselves ; L'informatique et Internet en particulier favorisent grandement la collecte de données à l'insu de l'utilisateur, leur divulgation à des tiers et le croisement des données. La densité des activités humaines dans le monde numérique constitue donc un terrain fertile pour de potentielles atteintes à la vie privée des utilisateurs. Les présents travaux examinent d'abord le ...