The USA has been going through a new kind of revolution, which though it did not literally overthrow the government, transformed racial, gender, and other social relationships, and bequeathed the deep divisions now felt in the nation's politics and culture
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Uma vez libertados dos reflexos condicionados de obediência a uma autocracia repressiva, os cidadãos do Império responderam com uma verdadeira e própria orgia de comportamentos democráticos, ultrapassando o limiar mínimo de disciplina social no trabalho, na administração pública e no mundo militar.
I guess I was a revisionist before anyone had ever heard the term used in its contemporary sense. When I embarked on Soviet studies, revisionism meant the democratic and gradualist revision of Marxism by Eduard Bernstein and his followers. That, of course, was heresy in the eyes of Marxist-Leninists, and "revisionism" became a familiar swearword in the Soviet lexicon.My own unwitting revisionism in the new sense of deviation from the Soviet studies mainstream really began with my participation in Michael Karpovich's seminar in Russian history in 1947. In my paper, "The Russian Proletariat as a Revolutionary Force in 1917," I highlighted the Bolsheviks and the fabzavkomy, because that was where the published sources were.