A twofold framework based on nested markets and the multi-level perspective on sustainable transitions is presented. We argue that there are promising intersections between these interrelated concepts, which are useful to understand the emerging dynamics of new markets, their relations with the broader food system and their potential to sustain more sustainable food practices, as illustrated from a case study in the French overseas territory of La Réunion.
Les zones insulaires possèdent de nombreuses ressources spécifiques, parfois faiblement valorisées, pouvant aboutir à leur extinction progressive et définitive : pertes de savoirs et savoir faire détenus par des "vieux" et non transmis aux nouvelles générations, perte de biodiversité. Ces ressources, quelles soient biologiques, naturelles, culturelles, sociales, ., représentent un capital important et engendrent de la territorialité (sentiment d'appartenance à un territoire : Tizon, 1996). Leur activation peut contribuer au développement durable des territoires, à condition qu'elles s'inscrivent dans une démarche raisonnée. En agroalimentaire, cette démarche implique la prise en compte des relations homme - produit - territoire (social - économique - environnement) où l'homme valorise au mieux les spécificités du territoire en mettant en oeuvre des savoirs particuliers. Cette démarche aboutit à des produits à forte spécificité territoriale (typicité) qui permettent en retour la valorisation des hommes (reconnaissance des savoirs faire, de la culture) et du territoire (renforcement de son attractivité). Une telle démarche de développement, collective, s'inscrit sur le long terme et est source de richesses sociales et économiques d'autant plus importantes que les produits et services proposés sur le territoire y sont fortement ancrés et de qualité, et que l'environnement est préservé. L'image territoriale engendrée profite alors au développement touristique, réalisé dans une logique de préservation de la ressource.
Small-scale food production and products of terroirs often evoke a traditional image, one of practices frozen in time, transmitted from generation to generation. The reality is however different: analyses show that localized agrifood systems (LAFS) have to innovate constantly in order to cope with internal changes (reduction in the capacity of coordination and collective action) and/or external ones (new constraints, or technical or commercial opportunities). Faced with this need to innovate, some systems are able to increase interactions between local and extra-local actors, leading to technical or organizational innovations. The LAFS concept makes it possible to shed more light on these collective and localized innovation processes than diffusionist schemes do, and to also show the way to support them.
Introduction – A new spice on the international market. Tsiperifery is a wild pepper from Madagascar belonging to the genus Piper. This new culinary spice, which is gaining gourmet notoriety due to its unique organoleptic properties and its endemic and exotic origin, is attracting a growing number of actors to harvest and trade it. Scientific challenges – This growing appetite for tsiperifery is making collection of the plant unsustainable and contributing to the degradation of Malagasy forests with the felling of lianas, as well as host trees, and subsequent deforestation. Little is known about the plant, and its trade has developed in the relative absence of any scientific knowledge. There is not even the most basic of information available regarding its geographic distribution, taxonomy, ecology or reproductive mode. Moreover, tsiperifery is regarded simply as black pepper by Malagasy and international regulations. Socio-economic challenge – Poorly paid harvesters. The peppercorns are harvested by pickers from the poorest sector of the local population, earning them a valued income, which is nonetheless derisory compared to the gains made by the other market players. Results and discussion – Lay the bases for a sustainable management of tsiperifery. This finding indicates that scientific backing aimed at reducing uncertainties about the biology, exploitation and transformation of the plant is required to establish the bases for sustainable management of the plant. We suggest supporting the sector in producing sustainably exploited tsiperifery by exploring different innovations, which would include creating a 'label' that guarantees the product's quality through association with its origin and implementing a participative process for domesticating the plant. Conclusion – Advocating for the involvement of all stakeholders. Research has limited impact in a context devoid of economic and political partners, and funders. Without the involvement of major stakeholders, it will be no time before tsiperifery finds its way into the CITES Appendix II.