This policy brief of the European Union (EU) Think Tank – part of the FIT4FOOD2030 Coordination and Support Action (CSA) of the FOOD 2030 initiative – is a response and contribution to growing pleas for a 'systems approach' to transform food systems for Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) for present and future generations. This policy brief specifically focusses on the necessity of the adoption of a systems approach to Research and Innovation (R&I) in order to foster the transformation of food systems.
In: Gill , M , den Boer , A C L , Kok , K P W , Breda , J , Cahill , J , Callenius , C , Caron , P , Damianova , Z , Gurinovic , M A , Lähteenmäki , L , Lang , T , Laperrière , A , Mango , C , Ryder , J , Sonnino , R , Verburg , G , Westhoek , H , Regeer , B J & Broerse , J E W 2018 , A Systems Approach to Research and Innovation for Food System Transformation .
A better understanding of key interactions between a multitude of actors, government levels and processes (production, consumption, distribution) and involving stakeholders is crucial to delivery of transformation. Our food systems face severe, urgent and persistent challenges, and so do we as humanity. Therefore, we need to strengthen the systems approach to Research and Innovation (R&I) in order to inform policy and decision makers to foster the transformation of EU food systems, in line with societies' needs.