Outra agruicultura e a reconstrução da ruralidade. Formas de agricultura: exclusão e espaços de integração social. Em busca da modernidade social: uma homenagem a Alexander V. Chayanov. Agricultura familiar de subsistência e comercial: identidade cabocla e inclusão social. Colonos: subserviência e autonomia. Agricultura familiar e poder local: um exercício de cidadania. Pobeza rural no nordeste semárido: cidadania ou exclusão social. O desenvolvimento de uma outra agricultura: o papel dos medidores sociais. Condições de reprodutibilidade da agricultura familiar e dos assentamentos rurais. Agricultura familiar e assentamentos rurais: competitividade, tecnologia e integração social. Os núcleos de reforma agrária como espaço de integração social: o caso da família Pereira. a produção familiar como locus ideal da agricultura sustentável. Significados sociais, desafios e potencialidades da agroecologia. Sustentabilidade alimentar: uma nova bandeira? Sobre os autores
International audience ; The article deals with the modalities of the recent dismantling of rural and environmental public policies with a hindsight of a few years by mobilizing the examination of several components: land, family farming, rural territorial development, agroecology and the environment. The analysis focuses on the last three governments (Rousseff, Temer and Bolsonaro) based on the approach to dismantling public policies of Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656646.001.0001). The method combines documentary analysis of official texts, statistics on budgets and interviews with decision-makers and managers of these policies conducted within research projects initiated since 2012. The main results show the institutional fragility, including in the cases of policies subject to laws (environment, family farming, food security) or enshrined in the Brazilian federal constitution (land reform). The changes observed suggest the integration of different strategies to dismantle public policies, especially since 2019. Less used during the Rousseff and Temer governments, these mechanisms are particularly implemented in the conservative and belligerent framework of the Bolsonaro government, whose political base responds positively to the destruction of state regulatory mechanisms. ; L'article traite des modalités du démantèlement récent des politiques publiques rurales et environnementales avec un recul de quelques années, en mobilisant l'examen de plusieurs volets : le foncier, l'agriculture familiale, le développement territorial rural, l'agroécologie et l'environnement. L'analyse porte sur les trois derniers gouvernements (Rousseff, Temer et Bolsonaro), à partir de l'approche du démantèlement de politiques publiques de Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. ...
International audience ; The article deals with the modalities of the recent dismantling of rural and environmental public policies with a hindsight of a few years by mobilizing the examination of several components: land, family farming, rural territorial development, agroecology and the environment. The analysis focuses on the last three governments (Rousseff, Temer and Bolsonaro) based on the approach to dismantling public policies of Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656646.001.0001). The method combines documentary analysis of official texts, statistics on budgets and interviews with decision-makers and managers of these policies conducted within research projects initiated since 2012. The main results show the institutional fragility, including in the cases of policies subject to laws (environment, family farming, food security) or enshrined in the Brazilian federal constitution (land reform). The changes observed suggest the integration of different strategies to dismantle public policies, especially since 2019. Less used during the Rousseff and Temer governments, these mechanisms are particularly implemented in the conservative and belligerent framework of the Bolsonaro government, whose political base responds positively to the destruction of state regulatory mechanisms. ; L'article traite des modalités du démantèlement récent des politiques publiques rurales et environnementales avec un recul de quelques années, en mobilisant l'examen de plusieurs volets : le foncier, l'agriculture familiale, le développement territorial rural, l'agroécologie et l'environnement. L'analyse porte sur les trois derniers gouvernements (Rousseff, Temer et Bolsonaro), à partir de l'approche du démantèlement de politiques publiques de Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. ...
International audience ; The article deals with the modalities of the recent dismantling of rural and environmental public policies with a hindsight of a few years by mobilizing the examination of several components: land, family farming, rural territorial development, agroecology and the environment. The analysis focuses on the last three governments (Rousseff, Temer and Bolsonaro) based on the approach to dismantling public policies of Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656646.001.0001). The method combines documentary analysis of official texts, statistics on budgets and interviews with decision-makers and managers of these policies conducted within research projects initiated since 2012. The main results show the institutional fragility, including in the cases of policies subject to laws (environment, family farming, food security) or enshrined in the Brazilian federal constitution (land reform). The changes observed suggest the integration of different strategies to dismantle public policies, especially since 2019. Less used during the Rousseff and Temer governments, these mechanisms are particularly implemented in the conservative and belligerent framework of the Bolsonaro government, whose political base responds positively to the destruction of state regulatory mechanisms. ; L'article traite des modalités du démantèlement récent des politiques publiques rurales et environnementales avec un recul de quelques années, en mobilisant l'examen de plusieurs volets : le foncier, l'agriculture familiale, le développement territorial rural, l'agroécologie et l'environnement. L'analyse porte sur les trois derniers gouvernements (Rousseff, Temer et Bolsonaro), à partir de l'approche du démantèlement de politiques publiques de Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. ...
International audience ; The article deals with the modalities of the recent dismantling of rural and environmental public policies with a hindsight of a few years by mobilizing the examination of several components: land, family farming, rural territorial development, agroecology and the environment. The analysis focuses on the last three governments (Rousseff, Temer and Bolsonaro) based on the approach to dismantling public policies of Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656646.001.0001). The method combines documentary analysis of official texts, statistics on budgets and interviews with decision-makers and managers of these policies conducted within research projects initiated since 2012. The main results show the institutional fragility, including in the cases of policies subject to laws (environment, family farming, food security) or enshrined in the Brazilian federal constitution (land reform). The changes observed suggest the integration of different strategies to dismantle public policies, especially since 2019. Less used during the Rousseff and Temer governments, these mechanisms are particularly implemented in the conservative and belligerent framework of the Bolsonaro government, whose political base responds positively to the destruction of state regulatory mechanisms. ; L'article traite des modalités du démantèlement récent des politiques publiques rurales et environnementales avec un recul de quelques années, en mobilisant l'examen de plusieurs volets : le foncier, l'agriculture familiale, le développement territorial rural, l'agroécologie et l'environnement. L'analyse porte sur les trois derniers gouvernements (Rousseff, Temer et Bolsonaro), à partir de l'approche du démantèlement de politiques publiques de Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. ...
International audience ; The article deals with the modalities of the recent dismantling of rural and environmental public policies with a hindsight of a few years by mobilizing the examination of several components: land, family farming, rural territorial development, agroecology and the environment. The analysis focuses on the last three governments (Rousseff, Temer and Bolsonaro) based on the approach to dismantling public policies of Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656646.001.0001). The method combines documentary analysis of official texts, statistics on budgets and interviews with decision-makers and managers of these policies conducted within research projects initiated since 2012. The main results show the institutional fragility, including in the cases of policies subject to laws (environment, family farming, food security) or enshrined in the Brazilian federal constitution (land reform). The changes observed suggest the integration of different strategies to dismantle public policies, especially since 2019. Less used during the Rousseff and Temer governments, these mechanisms are particularly implemented in the conservative and belligerent framework of the Bolsonaro government, whose political base responds positively to the destruction of state regulatory mechanisms. ; L'article traite des modalités du démantèlement récent des politiques publiques rurales et environnementales avec un recul de quelques années, en mobilisant l'examen de plusieurs volets : le foncier, l'agriculture familiale, le développement territorial rural, l'agroécologie et l'environnement. L'analyse porte sur les trois derniers gouvernements (Rousseff, Temer et Bolsonaro), à partir de l'approche du démantèlement de politiques publiques de Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. ...
International audience ; The article deals with the modalities of the recent dismantling of rural and environmental public policies with a hindsight of a few years by mobilizing the examination of several components: land, family farming, rural territorial development, agroecology and the environment. The analysis focuses on the last three governments (Rousseff, Temer and Bolsonaro) based on the approach to dismantling public policies of Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656646.001.0001). The method combines documentary analysis of official texts, statistics on budgets and interviews with decision-makers and managers of these policies conducted within research projects initiated since 2012. The main results show the institutional fragility, including in the cases of policies subject to laws (environment, family farming, food security) or enshrined in the Brazilian federal constitution (land reform). The changes observed suggest the integration of different strategies to dismantle public policies, especially since 2019. Less used during the Rousseff and Temer governments, these mechanisms are particularly implemented in the conservative and belligerent framework of the Bolsonaro government, whose political base responds positively to the destruction of state regulatory mechanisms. ; L'article traite des modalités du démantèlement récent des politiques publiques rurales et environnementales avec un recul de quelques années, en mobilisant l'examen de plusieurs volets : le foncier, l'agriculture familiale, le développement territorial rural, l'agroécologie et l'environnement. L'analyse porte sur les trois derniers gouvernements (Rousseff, Temer et Bolsonaro), à partir de l'approche du démantèlement de politiques publiques de Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. ...
L'article traite des modalités du démantèlement récent des politiques publiques rurales et environnementales avec un recul de quelques années, en mobilisant l'examen de plusieurs volets : le foncier, l'agriculture familiale, le développement territorial rural, l'agroécologie et l'environnement. L'analyse porte sur les trois derniers gouvernements (Rousseff, Temer et Bolsonaro), à partir de l'approche du démantèlement de politiques publiques de Bauer et al. (Bauer MW, Jordan A, Green-Pedersen C, Heritier A. 2013. Dismantling public policy: preferences, strategies and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199656646.001.0001). La méthode associe l'analyse documentaire des textes officiels, les statistiques portant sur les budgets et des entretiens auprès de décideurs et gestionnaires de ces politiques conduits dans le cadre de recherches initiées depuis 2012. Les transformations observées suggèrent l'intégration de différentes stratégies de démantèlement des politiques publiques, surtout depuis 2019. Moins utilisés durant les gouvernements Rousseff et Temer, ces mécanismes sont particulièrement mis en oeuvre dans le cadre conservateur et belligérant du gouvernement Bolsonaro, dont la base politique répond positivement à la destruction des dispositifs de régulation de l'État.