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311 Ergebnisse
Intro -- Front Matter -- 1. Democratic Innovations and Social Movements -- Democratic challenges in the Great Recession -- Progressive social movements as sites for innovation -- This volume -- 2. Crowd-Sourced Constitutionalism: Social Movements in the Constitutional Process -- Iceland in the crisis -- Expanding the analysis: the Irish deliberative constitutional process -- Concluding remarks -- 3. Referendums from Below: Direct Democracy and Social Movements -- 'Water is not for sale': direct democracy against the privatization of water supply -- Expanding the analysis from a comparative perspective: referendums in Scotland and Catalonia -- Concluding remarks -- 4. Movement Parties in the Great Recession -- Podemos as a movement party -- Developing a comparison: MAS in Bolivia -- Conclusion -- 5. Progressive Movements and Democratic Innovations: Some Conclusions -- Innovating from below -- Conditions and limits for democratic innovations -- Democracy and the populist Right -- Democratic innovations as social movement outcomes -- Institutional change in empirical theories of democracy -- Innovations in intense times: the way forward -- Bibliography -- Index -- End User License Agreement.
In: Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology
Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- 1: Contentious Moves: Mobilising for Refugees' Rights -- Acts of Citizenship and Social Movement Studies -- Political Opportunities in Critical Junctures -- Networking Struggles -- Repertoires of Resistance -- Challenging Frames -- This Volume -- References -- 2: 'We Have Become Refugees in Our Own Country': Mobilising for Refugees in Istanbul -- Introduction -- Framing Contention: Refugees and/or Refugeehood? -- For or Against Refugees/Migrants? -- Mobilising for Refugees in Istanbul: The Migrant Solidarity Network (MSN) and Mülteciyim Hemşerim! -- Why Act? Motivations for Mobilisation -- How to Act? Humanitarianism vs. Political Solidarity Action -- How to Act? 'Touching' the Refugees -- Turkey Becomes Syria: Refugees and Turkish Politics-Activists and Syrian Politics -- Conclusion: Constituting a New Political Space? -- Interviews -- References -- 3: Solidarity in Transition: The Case of Greece -- Introduction -- Solidarity in Transition: An Overview -- Small Islands, Huge Issues4 -- The Ghosts of Smyrna -- Solidarity -- Economic Exploitation -- Time and Containment: When the Island Becomes the Camp -- Movement-Countermovement Antagonism -- The 'Solidarians' -- Decision-Making and Organisational Structure -- Actions -- The Privatisation and Institutionalisation of Solidarity -- Solidarity in Triple Transition -- Space: Geographies of Solidarity -- Burnout -- Solidarity Actions: From Safe Passage to Integration -- Conclusion (If Any Can Be Made) -- List of Interviews (Pseudonyms Have Been Used) -- Bibliography -- 4: From Border to Border: Refugee Solidarity Activism in Italy Across Space, Time, and Practices -- Introduction -- Background: Social Movements and Asylum -- Case and Methods -- Refugee Solidarity Activism in Italy.
In: Protest and Social Movements Ser. v.11
Cover -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Riding the wave: Protest cascades, and what we can learn from them / Donatella della Porta -- 2. The spirit of Gezi: A relational approach to eventful protest and its challenges / Donatella della Porta and Kivanc Atak -- 3. Brazil's popular awakening - June 2013: Accounting for the onset of a new cycle of contention / Mariana S. Mendes -- 4. Making sense of "La Salida" : Challenging left-wing control in Venezuela / Juan Masullo -- 5. The Marikana Massacre and Labor Protest in South Africa / Francis O'Connor -- 6. Left in translation: The curious absence of austerity frames in the 2013 Bulgarian protests / Julia Rone -- 7. "Sow hunger, reap anger" : From neoliberal privatization to new collective identities in Bosnia-Herzegovina / Chiara Milan -- 8. A spirit of Maidan? : Contentious escalation in Ukraine / Daniel P. Ritter -- 9. Riding the wave: Some conclusions / Donatella della Porta -- Bibliography -- Index -- List of Figures and Tables -- Figures -- Figure 1.1 - Explaining the movement's spirit -- Figure 2.1 - Occupational profile of the labor force participants in Turkey (Jan. 2014) -- Figure 2.2 - Population size (shades) and Gezi Park protests (dots) at provincial level, May-September 2013 -- Figure 2.3 - Gezi Park protests at district level (shades) and neighborhood forums (dots) in Istanbul, May-September 2013 -- Figure 2.4 - Number of protest events and participants in Turkey, 2011-2013 -- Figure 2.5 - Protests by main action forms, 2011-2013 (%) -- Figure 3.1 - Evolution of Economic Classes, 1992-2009 -- Figure 3.2 - Number of Protesters, June 17th-28th* -- Figure 3.3 - Public perceptions of Brazil's main problems -- Figure 4.1 - Protest events per month, 2014 -- Figure 4.2 - Protest events per semester, 2012-2014 -- Figure 4.3 - Homicide rate, 2000-2012.
In: Cambridge studies in contentious politics
Where Did the Revolution Go? considers the apparent disappearance of the large social movements that have contributed to democratization. Revived by recent events of the Arab Spring, this question is once again paramount. Is the disappearance real, given the focus of mass media and scholarship on electoral processes and 'normal politics'? Does it always happen, or only under certain circumstances? Are those who struggled for change destined to be disappointed by the slow pace of transformation? Which mechanisms are activated and deactivated during the rise and fall of democratization? This volume addresses these questions through empirical analysis based on quantitative and qualitative methods (including oral history) of cases in two waves of democratization: Central Eastern European cases in 1989 as well as cases in the Middle East and Mediterranean region in 2011
In: Palgrave studies in European political sociology
Cover -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- 1: The Re-emergence of a Class Cleavage? Social Movements in Times of Austerity -- Bringing capitalism back into protest analysis? -- Social movements and political cleavages -- The research -- This volume -- 2: Social Structure: Old Working Class, New Precariat, or Yet Something Different? -- Dynamics of capitalism -- Social movements and social structures -- World-systems theory and anti-systemic movements -- Multitudes against the empire? -- Bridging political economy and social movement studies -- Modes of production and social cleavages in social movement studies -- Anti-austerity protest in the periphery -- The social basis of the (European) Global Justice Movement -- The social bases of movements in the crisis of neoliberalism -- The sociography of the camps -- The social basis of protest in Europe -- Conclusion -- 3: Identification Processes: Class and Culture -- Immoral (neo)liberalism: the challenge -- The cultural dimension: which identity for which movement? -- Liquid modernity and fragmented societies? -- Populist logic as search for the people -- The new spirit of capitalism and its critics -- Identity in social movement studies -- Morality and justice frames in anti-austerity protests in the periphery -- Anti-neoliberalism and tolerant identities in the Global Justice Movement -- Morality framing in anti-austerity movements -- Indignation and occupation -- Inclusive identities in European protests -- Conclusion -- 4: Lo Llaman Democracia Y No Lo Es: A Crisis of Political Responsibility -- Lack of responsibility in (late) neoliberalism -- Crisis of legitimacy in neoliberalism: the abdication of responsibility by representative institutions and its discontent -- Legitimacy crisis and institutional trust -- Political opportunities in social movement studies
In: Itinerari. Scienza politica
A systematic, authoritative, and accessible introduction to empirical research in social movement studies. Each of the main methods of data collection and data analysis are presented with a practical approach, from research design to data collection, the use of information through to ethical issues
World Affairs Online
Financial crisis, economic globalization and the strengthening of neoliberal policies present stark challenges to traditional conceptions of representative democracy. Yet, at the same time, new opportunities are emerging that propose alternative visions for the future of democracy. In this highly articulate book, Donatella della Porta analyses diverse conceptions and practices of participatory and deliberative democracy, building upon recent reflections in normative theory as well as original empirical research. As well as drawing on key historical examples, the book pays close attent