Setting the stage: policies, demography, and social representations -- Rendering the social context: attitudes toward immigration and immigrants -- Images and actions: contending with stereotypes and discrimination -- Who am I? The construction of ethnic identity -- Negotiating identity: beyond assimilation models -- Putting it all together: West Indian immigrants -- Envisioning an agenda for a social psychology of immigration
Demographic changes and increasing diversity in the United States bring about changes in how people define themselves and how they categorize others. I describe three issues that are relevant to the labeling and self-definition of ethnic groups in U.S. society: (1) the creation and definition of identity categories, (2) the subjectivity of self-definition, and (3) the flexibility of identity expression. In each case, substantial research from social psychology and related disciplines supports a socially constructed definition and use of ethnic categories, wherein identities are subject to the influence of local and national norms and are amenable to change across situations and over time.
In: Journal of social issues: a journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, American Psychological Association, Band 62, Heft 3, S. 633-651
Immigration is a social issue of global importance. Understanding immigration patterns and trends requires paying attention to historical trends, demographic patterns, public policy developments, and cultural attitudes and beliefs. In this article I call for an intensified social psychological analysis of immigration, usingPettigrew's (1997)three‐level framework as a means to define the approach. Selected research examples build the case for the critical role that social psychology can play in understanding the individual, group, and intergroup dynamics of immigration.
Barriers to advancement for women holding blue-collar jobs are discussed, with special emphasis on women in the basic steel industry. These barriers include the existence of seniority policies, perceptions of opportunities, availability of relevant experience, and the assignment of women to lower-level jobs that are not on the major line of advancement. Internal barriers, such as physical strength and women's motivation and capacity for blue-collar work, are viewed as far less significant than the external impediments. Prospects for the future are considered.
Personality and social psychology : moving toward a more perfect union / Mark Snyder and Kay Deaux -- Foundations of personality and social psychology -- The intertwined histories of personality and social psychology / Thomas F. Pettigrew -- Perspectives on the person: rapid growth and opportunities for integration / William Fleeson and Eranda Jayawickreme -- Perspectives on the situation / Harry T. Reis and John G. Holmes -- Neuroscience approaches in social and personality psychology / David M. Amodio, Eddie Harmon-Jones, and Elliot T. Berkman -- Evolutionary perspectives / Steven W. Gangestad -- Context in person, person in context : a cultural psychology approach to social-personality psychology / Glenn Adams and Tugçe Kurtis -- Behavior and behavior assessment / Janice R. Kelly and Christopher R. Agnew -- Conceptual and methodological issues in the analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal dyadic data / Deborah A. Kashy and M. Brent Donellan -- Multilevel modeling in personality and social psychology / Oliver Christ, Christopher G. Sibley, and Ulrich Wagner -- Basic processes of personality and social psychology -- The self : dynamics of persons and their situations / Jennifer Crocker and Eddie Brummelman -- Identity : personal and social / Vivian L. Vignoles -- Morality / Jesse Graham and Piercarlo Valdesolo -- Motivation and goal pursuit : integration across the social/personality divide / Julie K. Norem -- Five questions about emotion: implications for social-personality psychology / Gerald L. Clore and Michael D. Robinson -- Cybernetic approaches to personality and social behavior / Colin G. DeYoung and Yanna J. Weisberg -- Initial impressions of others / James S. Uleman and S. Adil Saribay -- Attitudes and attitude change : social and personality considerations about specific and general patterns of behavior / Dolores Albarracin, Man-pui Sally Chan, and Duo Jiang -- From help-giving to helping relations : belongingness and independence in social interactions / Arie Nadler -- Antisocial behavior in individuals and groups : an empathy-focused approach / Emanuele Castano and David C. Kidd -- Personality and social interaction : interpenetrating processes / Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, Jordan B. Leitner, and Ozlem Ayduk -- Attachment theory expanded : a behavioral systems approach to personality and social behavior / Mario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver -- Person-by-situation perspectives on close relationships / Jeffry A. Simpson and Heike A. Winterheld -- Personality influences on group processes : the past, present, and future / Craig D. Parks -- Intergroup processes : from prejudice to positive relations between groups / Linda R.Tropp and Ludwin E. Molina -- Power as active self : from acquisition to the expression and use of power / Ana Guinote and Serena Chen -- Personality and social psychology in key life domains -- Personality, social psychology, and psychopathology : reflections on a lewinian vsion / Philip R. Costanzo, Rick H. Hoyle, and Mark R. Leary -- Individual and societal well-being / Shigehiro Oishi and Samantha J. Heintzelman -- Multicultural identity and experiences : cultural, social, and personality processes / Verónica Benet-Martínez and Angela-MinhTu D. Nguyen -- Personality and social contexts as sources of change and continuity across the life span / Abigail J. Stewart and Kay Deaux -- The social psychology of personality and leadership : a person-in-situation perspective / Daan van Knippenberg -- Work and organizations: contextualizing personality and social psychology / Deidra J. Schleicher and David V. Day -- A person x intervention strategy approach to understanding health behavior / Alexander J. Rothman and Austin S. Baldwin -- Forensic personality and social psychology / Saul Kassin and Margaret Bull Kovera -- The psychology of collective action / Lauren E. Duncan -- Social policy: barriers and opportunities for personality and social psychology / Allen M. Omoto -- Conclusion -- Personality and social psychology : the evolving state of the union / Kay Deaux and Mark Snyder
The second edition of The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology captures the history, current status, and future prospects of personality and social psychology in a single integrated volume, offering a unique and generative agenda for psychology. It is dedicated to the proposition that personality and social psychology are best viewed in conjunction with one another and that the synergy to be gained from considering links between the two fields can do much to move both fields forward and to enrich our understanding of human nature
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