Personal Care Products in the Aquatic Environment
In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Ser. v.36
Intro -- Series Preface -- Volume Preface -- Contents -- Introduction: Personal Care Products in the Aquatic Environment -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Anthropogenic Contamination as the Main Threat to the Aquatic Environment -- 2.1 Behaviour of Organic Contaminants in Aquatic Biota -- 3 Main Ingredients in Personal Care Products -- 3.1 Biocide Compounds -- 3.1.1 Benzotriazole -- 3.1.2 Triclosan and Triclocarban -- 3.2 Preservatives -- 3.3 Fragrances -- 3.3.1 Nitromusks -- 3.3.2 Polycyclic Musks -- 3.3.3 Macrocyclic Musks -- 3.4 Surfactants -- 3.4.1 Phthalates -- 3.4.2 Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol Ethoxylates -- 3.5 Insect Repellents -- 3.6 UV Filters (Sunscreens) -- 3.7 Siloxanes -- 4 Health Effects of PCPs on Biota and Humans -- 4.1 PCPs as Endocrine Disruptors -- 5 Legislative Framework and Water Awareness Initiatives -- 5.1 European Framework -- 5.2 Other Frameworks -- 5.3 Water Awareness Initiatives -- 6 Concluding Remarks -- References -- Part I: Occurrence of Personal Care Products in the Aquatic Environment: Case Studies -- Occurrence of PCPs in Natural Waters from Europe -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Fragrances -- 3 UV Filters -- 4 Phenolic Chemicals and Detergents -- 5 Preservatives -- 6 Repellents -- 7 Concluding Remarks -- References -- Personal Care Products in the Aquatic Environment in China -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Production and Usage of PCPs in China -- 3 Occurrence and Fate of PCPs in the Aquatic Environment in China -- 3.1 Antimicrobial Agents -- 3.1.1 Antimicrobial Agents in Sewage and Sludge -- 3.1.2 Antimicrobial Agents in Surface Water and Sediment -- 3.2 Synthetic Musks -- 3.2.1 Synthetic Musks in Sewage and Sludge -- 3.2.2 Synthetic Musks in Surface Water and Sediment -- 3.3 UV Filters and UV Stabilizers -- 3.3.1 UV Filters and UV Stabilizers in Sewage and Sludge -- 3.3.2 UV Filters and UV Stabilizers in Surface Water and Sediment.