Urban Poverty Reduction Experiences in Cali, Colombia: Lessons from the Work of Local Non-profit Organisations
In: IIED Working Paper 4 on Poverty Reduction in Urban Areas
12 Ergebnisse
In: IIED Working Paper 4 on Poverty Reduction in Urban Areas
In: Estudios demográficos y urbanos, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 49
ISSN: 2448-6515
Este artículo contiene una descripción del medio ambiente en las ciudades latinoamericanas. El autor presenta con cierto detalle los efectos negativos en el ambiente urbano que resultan de la combinación del creciente incremento demográfico, del proceso de urbanización y de la concentración de actividades económicas en algunas ciudades.Al mismo tiempo que se analizan los serios problemas del agua, los suelos y el aire, se ofrece un panorama de los cambios institucionales que tienen lugar hoy día y que permiten ver, aun en el contexto de la pobreza, algunas alternativas para hacer frente al deterioro ambiental. Los cambios de fondo que son requeridos para mejorar el medio ambiente en América Latina tiene que ver, de acuerdo con el autor, con la puesta en marcha de programas educativos que planteen una verdadera concientización de lo ambiental y que generen una verdadera conducta de cuidado hacia el medio ambiente.
In: Public administration and development: the international journal of management research and practice, Band 13, Heft 5, S. 523-524
ISSN: 1099-162X
In: Third world planning review: TWPR, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 431
ISSN: 2058-1076
In: Third world planning review: TWPR, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 255
ISSN: 2058-1076
In: Third world planning review: TWPR, Band 9, S. 255-273
ISSN: 0142-7849
In: Third world planning review: TWPR, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 255-273
ISSN: 0142-7849
World Affairs Online
In: Third world planning review: TWPR, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 451-458
ISSN: 0142-7849
This report is part of the third stage in a series of surveys on land, housing and human settlements policies in selected countries of the Third World. The report consists of four chapters. The first is a general introduction to the country including a brief overview of its geography and of its history. The second chapter assesses the country's economic performance since independence and examines recent changes in housing and living conditions. Chapter 3 examines economic and development policies from the last years of the colonial administration to the present. Chapter 4 describes traditional land tenure patters and examines State policies which relate explicitly to land, housing and human settlements
World Affairs Online
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Sustainable urbanisation has moved to the forefront of global debate, research and policy agendas over recent years. Rapid urbanisation throughout China, India and many other low and middle income countries poses new challenges both locally and internationally at a time when urban areas worldwide are threatened by climate/environmental change. This compact book is designed to make a signal contribution to the sustainable urbanisation agenda through authoritative interventions contextualising, assessing and explaining clearly the relevance and importance of three central characteristics of sustainable towns and cities everywhere, namely that they should be accessible, green and fair. These three terms form key tenets of the work of Mistra Urban Futures (MUF), an international research centre on sustainable urbanisation based in Gothenburg, Sweden, and working through transdisciplinary research platforms there, in Greater Manchester (UK), Cape Town (South Africa) and Kisumu (Kenya). Additional platforms are being established in southern Sweden, Asia and Africa
The purpose of the conference was to identify research needs as well as to come forward with suggestions for the formulation of areas where aid assistance could be directed. The conference consisted of two parts: the first day was devoted to papers introducing the informal sector in the context of India, Africa and Latin America as seen from the perspective of both the productive system and the household. These papers were followed by a paper on the implications of the informal sector on development aid policy. The second and third days were devoted to a smaller research seminar attended by some 40 people who have a direct research or aid policy interest in the subject
World Affairs Online
As Latin America's new democratic regimes have decentralized, the region's capital cities--and their elected mayors--have gained increasing importance. Capital City Politics in Latin America tells the story of these cities: how they are changing operationally, how the the empowerment of mayors and other municipal institutions is exacerbating political tensions between local executives and regional and national entities, and how the cities' growing significance affects traditional political patterns throughout society. The authors weave a tapestry that illustrates the impact of local, national, and transnational power relations on the strategies available to Latin America's capital city mayors as they seek to transform their greater influence into desired actions