The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: A Commentary (review)
In: Human rights quarterly, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 251-258
ISSN: 1085-794X
10 Ergebnisse
In: Human rights quarterly, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 251-258
ISSN: 1085-794X
In: Human rights quarterly: a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities, and law, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 251-258
ISSN: 0275-0392
In: Human rights quarterly, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 657-667
ISSN: 1085-794X
In: Human rights quarterly: a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities, and law, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 657-668
ISSN: 0275-0392
In: Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights Ser
Drawing on domestic and international law, as well as on judgments given by courts and human rights treaty bodies, Gender Stereotyping offers perspectives on how wrongful gender stereotypes can be effectively eliminated through the transnational legal process in order to ensure women's equality and exercise of their human rights.
In: R. Cook & S. Cusack, GENDER STEREOTYPING: TRANSNATIONAL LEGAL PERSPECTIVES, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010
In: INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: A TEXTBOOK, Catarina Krause, Martin Scheinin, eds., Abo Akademi University, pp. 206-226, 2009
In: Human rights quarterly, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 524-533
ISSN: 1085-794X
In: Human rights quarterly: a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities, and law, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 524-532
ISSN: 0275-0392
In: Human rights law review, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 329-342
ISSN: 1744-1021