Variability of carbonaceous aerosols in remote, rural, urban and industrial environments in Spain: implications for air quality policy [Discussion paper]
We interpret here the variability of levels of carbonaceous aerosols based on a 12 yr database from 78 monitoring stations across Spain specially compiled for this article. Data did not evidence any spatial trends of carbonaceous aerosols across the country. Conversely, results show marked differences in average concentrations from the cleanest, most remote sites (around 1 μg m−3 of non-mineral carbon (nmC), mostly made of organic carbon (OC) with very little elemental carbon (EC), around 0.1 μg m−3; OC / EC = 12–15), to the highly polluted major cities (8–10 μg m−3 of nmC; 3–4 μg m−3 of EC; 4–5 μg m−3 of OC; OC / EC = 1–2). ; This study was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment of Spain, the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) of Spain and FEDER funds under the projects VAMOS (CGL2010-19464/CLI), PRISMA (CGL2012-39623-C02-01), GRACCIE (CSD 2007- 00067), POLLINDUST (CGL2011-26259) and UHU (CGL2011- 28025); and by AGAUR-Generalitat de Catalunya (2009 SGR 00008) and LIFE + AIRUSE (LIFE11-ENV/ES/000584). The Montseny site forms part of the ACTRIS network (European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) project no. 262254), formerly EUSAAR (EUSAAR R113-CT-2006-026140). Funding was also received for the Andalucía sites from projects 2007-RNM027329 and 2011-RNM7800 (Department of Innovation Science and Enterprise, Andalusia Autonomous Government).