Mange tes méduses!: réconcilier les cycles de la vie et la flèche du temps
In: Sciences
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In: Sciences
In: Fish and aquatic resources series 14
This exciting new book grew out of an international symposium held at FAO, Rome in July 2008, but it is not just a collection of papers from that symposium. Rather, the publication brings together work on social-ecological marine research that cuts across disciplines, identifies key common elements and approaches that promote resilience of marine social-ecological systems in the face of global changes, and points to next steps.The book comprises contributions on conceptual issues relating to social-ecological responses in marine systems to global changes; offers illustrative case studies of specific examples of social-ecological responses in marine systems to significant environmental changes manifested locally; develops a syntheses between natural and social scientists on the topic, and points the way forward with innovative approaches to the use of science and knowledge in management, policy and advice.World Fisheriesis part of Wiley-Blackwell's prestigious Fish and Aquatic Resources Series, and encompasses chapters from many scientists at the top of their fields worldwide. Carefully drawn together and edited by four world experts in the area, World Fisheriesis a landmark publication which is an essential purchase for all fisheries managers worldwide. Rosemary E. Ommer, Department of History, University of Victoria, CanadaR. Ian Perry, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, CanadaKevern Cochrane, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, ItalyPhilippe Cury, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Centre de Recherche Halieutique Méditerranéenne et Tropicale, IRD – IFREMER Université Montpellier II, France
In: Afrique contemporaine: la revue de l'Afrique et du développement, Band 37, Heft 187, S. 30-43
ISSN: 0002-0478
The Marine Program presents an inventory of French research on marine and coastal environments, their means of study and the technological developments they sustain, and identifies key issues in terms of knowledge and public policy. This document has been written by the Alliance for the Environment (AllEnvi, a group of French research agencies), in close connection with stakeholders involved in the marine and coastal fields. It is built around four themes – knowledge of the marine system, sustainable use of marine resources, management of the marine coastal area, and action program for the French overseas territories – completed by two transversal axes dedicated to large research infrastructures, and technology and shipbuilding. The Marine Program will thus represent a working basis to define French strategic orientations on a national and international scale. ; Le Programme Mer dresse un état des lieux de la recherche française sur les environnements marins et littoraux, leurs moyens d'étude et les développements technologiques qui s'y rattachent, et identifie les enjeux de connaissance et de politiques publiques correspondants. Ce document a été rédigé à la demande des ministres chargés de la recherche et chargé de l'écologie par l'Alliance pour l'Environnement (AllEnvi), en liaison étroite avec un groupe de personnalités qualifiées en tant qu'acteurs dans les domaines marins, maritimes et littoraux. Construit autour de quatre piliers thématiques – la connaissance du système mer, l'exploitation durable des ressources marines, la gestion de l'espace côtier marin et le programme d'action pour les Outre-mer français – ce document aborde également deux axes transversaux dédiés aux grandes infrastructures de recherche et à la technologie et la construction navale. Le Programme Mer constituera ainsi une base de travail pour définir les orientations stratégiques françaises de la recherche en sciences marines au plan national et international.
In: Marine policy, Band 76, S. 152-158
ISSN: 0308-597X
In 2014, the Third International Conference on the resilience of social-ecological systems chose the theme "resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation." The conference aimed specifically at fostering an encounter between the experiences and thinking focused on the issue of resilience through a social and ecological system perspective, and the experiences focused on the issue of resilience through a development perspective. In this perspectives piece, we reflect on the outcomes of the meeting and document the differences and similarities between the two perspectives as discussed during the conference, and identify bridging questions designed to guide future interactions. After the conference, we read the documents (abstracts, PowerPoints) that were prepared and left in the conference database by the participants (about 600 contributions), and searched the web for associated items, such as videos, blogs, and tweets from the conference participants. All of these documents were assessed through one lens: what do they say about resilience and development? Once the perspectives were established, we examined different themes that were significantly addressed during the conference. Our analysis paves the way for new collective developments on a set of issues: (1) Who declares/assign/cares for the resilience of what, of whom? (2) What are the models of transformations and how do they combine the respective role of agency and structure? (3) What are the combinations of measurement and assessment processes? (4) At what scale should resilience be studied? Social transformations and scientific approaches are coconstructed. For the last decades, development has been conceived as a modernization process supported by scientific rationality and technical expertise. The definition of a new perspective on development goes with a negotiation on a new scientific approach. Resilience is presently at the center of this negotiation on a new science for development.
In: Ecology and society: E&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability, Band 21, Heft 3
ISSN: 1708-3087