ObjectiveThis study investigates how the Return Migration altered racial inequality in poverty in the American South.MethodsI disaggregate southern poverty into its separate constituents using household data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) for 1970 through 2000.ResultsThe prevalence of poverty declined most dramatically for black southern households and the racial gap in poverty narrowed to the extent that previous substantial regional differences disappeared. A central focus is the contrast between higher poverty and inequality among migrants who returned to their birth state relative to other southern‐born migrants who returned to the South.ConclusionsThe migration experience is diverse and has conflicting consequences for racial inequality; for some, migration maintained economic vulnerability. Given the complex force of migration, I conclude that a nuanced theoretical approach to migration that gives weight to economic and noneconomic motivations is critical to understand the racial dimensions of migration and the associated changes in racial inequality.
To know whether something as complex as a programme of nurse education is successful we have to determine what 'success' looks like and then seek evidence to judge its worth. Whilst this may sound straightforward, those with an interest in the quality of nurse education - students, healthcare providers, commissioners, professional bodies, academics, patients, the university and the wider public - will each have their own, quite legitimate, perspective on success. Success to a student may mean good academic support and achievement, to a patient it may mean developing the competence and compassion for care, to healthcare providers it could mean readiness for employment within an evolving service, and to professional bodies it will mean the students' proficiency and fitness to practise for professional registration. Whilst these perspectives on success are not mutually exclusive they do require education providers to design programmes that can evolve over the duration of their validation, accreditation or licensing period in order to maintain contemporaneousness, to draw on a range of data sources to evaluate learning quality within University and practice placements, and to demonstrate performance metrics that communicate the programme's worth. The worth of a programme is increasingly judged on the basis of value for money. Across the world, most higher education students take out government-funded loans or rely on family support and incur significant financial debt in order to complete their programmes, and hence there is expectation that programmes will lead directly to better pay graduate employment. There is also a highly competitive higher education market internationally and within most developed nations, and therefore the issue of designing for quality experience and outcomes takes on greater significance in order to ensure that degree programmes stand out from the crowd and are an applicant's first choice. This chapter takes the reader on a journey exploring the different dimensions of quality and the measures that can be used to evaluate the student's learning experience, progress, achievement and outcomes. It will consider the most effective governance arrangements, exploring international perspectives that ensure internal programme coherence as well as the confidence of external stakeholders, which include the public as well as employers. By drawing on contemporary international evidence and experience of those leading in the field of nurse education, this chapter will help the reader understand the importance of quality whilst also recognising its value in achieving a competitive edge.
This is the third in an essential series of Springer handbooks that explore key aspects of the nexus between demography and social science. With an inclusive international perspective, and founded on the principles of social demography, this handbook shows how the rural population, which recently dropped below 50 per cent of the world total, remains a vital segment of society living in proximity to much-needed developmental and amenity resources. The rich diversity of rural areas shapes the capacity of resident communities to address far-reaching social, environmental and economic challenges. Some will survive, become sustainable and even thrive, while others will suffer rapid depopulation. This handbook demonstrates how these future development trajectories will vary according to local characteristics including, but not limited to, population composition
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AbstractAn environmental event that damages housing and the built environment may result in either a short‐ or long‐term out‐migration response, depending on residents' recovery decisions and hazard tolerance. If residents move only in the immediate disaster aftermath, then out‐migration will be elevated only in the short‐term. However, if disasters increase residents' concerns about future risk, heighten vulnerability, or harm the local economy, then out‐migration may be elevated for years after an event. The substantive aim of this research brief is to evaluate hypotheses about short‐ and long‐term out‐migration responses to the highly destructive 2005 hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico. The methodological aim is to demonstrate a difference‐in‐differences (DID) approach analysing time series data from Gulf Coast counties to compare short‐ and long‐differences in out‐migration probabilities in the treatment and control counties. We find a large short‐term out‐migration response and a smaller sustained increase for the disaster‐affected coastal counties.
Areal data have been used to good effect in a wide range of sociological research. One of the most persistent problems associated with this type of data, however, is the need to combine data sets with incongruous boundaries. To help address this problem, we introduce a new method for identifying common geographies. We show that identifying common geographies is equivalent to identifying components within a k-uniform k-partite hypergraph. This approach can be easily implemented using a geographic information system in conjunction with a simple search algorithm.