The role of economic advisers in developing countries
In: Contributions in economics and economic history 44
57 Ergebnisse
In: Contributions in economics and economic history 44
Taming the Megalopolis: A Design for Urban Growth is a stimulating and provocative text that identifies the imminent problems of human settlement in large emerging cities in developing countries with mixed economies and their possible solution. The book is a written expression of an expert's view on the problem of human settlement that aims to raise discussions, from concerned policymakers, on the identification of the problems and inciting proposals for solutions to the growing problem of human settlement in large emerging cities. The text is divided in two parts: Urban Problems and Solutions. The first part provides the basic definition and aspects of urbanization and the identification of problems of human settlement in urbanized areas. Part II introduces possible measures to solve the problems of urbanization, such as changing the design of metropolitan areas; maintaining ownership in public corporations; capturing rise in land values; and securing relatively full employment for urban workers. Economists, sociologists, urban planners and policymakers, engineers and designers, and people affected by the problems of urbanization will find this book invaluable.
En este artículo el autor explica la manera como la política nacional interfiere en los aspectos urbanos de la política local, y enfatiza sobre la necesidad del intervencionismo estatal en materia de política urbana. La urbanización profundiza la división del trabajo, amplía el mercado y aumenta las ventajas de una mayor especialización, razón por la cual existe una correlación directa entre urbanización y alto ingreso per cápita. No obstante, Currie pone en duda el beneficio de las economías de escala brindadas par el crecimiento urbano en ausencia de políticas de planificación si bien, señala el autor, el crecimiento económico tiende a ser autoperpetuante, esta tendencia puede ser acelerada o retardada por las políticas. La numerosas e importantes economías de escala deben ser confrontadas con las deseconomías y los costos sociales que implica la centralización. Una planificación encaminada al diseño de "ciudades dentro de las ciudades" puede contribuir simultáneamente a los objetivos de acelerar el crecimiento y procurar, a la vez, un hábitat agradable para la población urbana. ; In this article the author explains how national policies interfer in the urban aspects of local policies, and emphasizes the need for government intervention in urban policies. Urbanization deepens the division of labor, widens the market, and increases the advantages of greater specialization. For these reasons, there is a direct correlation between urbanization and a high income per capita Nevertheless, Currie expresses doubt about the benefits of economies of scale offered by urban growth in the absence of planning po1icies. The author points out that although economic growth tends to be se1f·perpetuating, this tendency can be accelerated or slowed down by these policies , The numerous and important economies of scale should be confronted with the diseconomies and the social costs which are implied by centralization. Planning which is directed to the design of "cities within cities" can contribute simultaneous1y to the goals of accelerating growth and obtaining, at the same time, a pleasant habitat for the urban population.
In: Desarrollo y sociedad, Heft 29, S. 49-74
ISSN: 1900-7760, 0120-3584
In: Desarrollo y sociedad, Heft 28, S. 17-30
ISSN: 1900-7760, 0120-3584
In: Desarrollo y sociedad, Heft 23, S. 13-23
ISSN: 1900-7760, 0120-3584
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 541-547
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 541
ISSN: 0305-750X
In: Desarrollo y sociedad, Heft 14, S. 21-27
ISSN: 1900-7760, 0120-3584
In: Desarrollo y sociedad, Heft 11, S. 157-165
ISSN: 1900-7760, 0120-3584
In: Journal of economic studies, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 42-48
ISSN: 1758-7387
From time to time various economists have been attracted to the idea of a multiplier. Probably the most noted and most discussed has been the Keynesian Multiplier — the relation of an increase in investment to an increase in income. However, the term, or at least the concept, has been used explicitly or implied in the writing of other economists. The purpose of this note is to explore the concept a little more deeply than has been customary.
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 7, Heft 5-6, S. 165-171
In: Third world planning review: TWPR, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 281
ISSN: 2058-1076