Esclavitud y manumisión en la Bética romana: conventus cordubensis y astigitanus
In: Monografías no. 261
28 Ergebnisse
In: Monografías no. 261
En este trabajo se va a estudiar la traducción en la Unión Europea, concretamente la labor de los traductores y de los juristas lingüistas. Así mismo se analizarán fragmentos de textos de tipo legislativo, las técnicas de traducción empleadas, entre otros.
The construction sector and the operation and maintenance of buildings largely contribute to energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the European Union (EU). Therefore, it is of utmost importance to improve the energy performance of buildings. Yet, this frequently involves high short-term investments, which may not be compatible with owners' budgetary constraints. In this research we analyze the importance of Energy Performance Contracting (EnPC) for the improvement of energy efficiency in buildings. These models allow bypassing budgetary restrictions of owners (public and private ones) and bring private capital to finance energy efficiency measures. The paper analyses different models of contracting Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), from traditional models to alternative models, and exposes the versatility of the new contracting models and the associated risks. Several applications of energy performance contracts implemented in European countries are presented to identify the main characteristics that lead to successful contracts. The paper also includes the discussion of energy performance contracts applied to a public building (a school) that seeks to reduce its annual energy consumption, by testing the use of three types of energy performance contracts. The results show that there is potential in the use of EnPC but it is critical to select the most adequate model, especially when defining the contract duration, to balance both owners' and companies' interests.
In: Open access government, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 420-421
ISSN: 2516-3817
Biostimulants towards sustainable food production
Cristina Cruz and Teresa Dias from Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, focus on biostimulants, which are more than a product, but a significant change towards sustainable food production systems.
In: Open access government, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 450-451
ISSN: 2516-3817
Integrating biofertilizers and precision agriculture
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the integration of biofertilisers and precision agriculture, with the aim of creating a virtuous circle of agricultural growth and sustainability, by Cristina Cruz and Teresa Dias of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. "What do plants feed on?" may seem a simple question, but our answer has changed over time, and there is still no consensus. From antiquity until the mid-18th century, we thought plants fed on organic compounds (i.e., the humus theory). With the advances in chemistry and the discovery of chemical elements, we considered that plants feed on water and mineral salts. The industrialisation of the Haber-Bosch process allowed the production of large quantities of affordable fertilizers, allowing the green revolution of the mid-20th century and intensive agriculture.
Capítulos en libros ; En tiempos de conflictos y radicalismos se hace más necesaria que nunca la participación activa de los jóvenes en iniciativas y proyectos que promuevan la paz. Las autoras del presente artículo exponen su experiencia en el Parlamento Universal de la Juventud (PUJ), un foro de diálogo donde jóvenes de diferentes culturas, religiones y condición social, ponen en común sus reflexiones y experiencias vitales buscando juntos soluciones para los problemas que acucian a la humanidad, y siempre desde el compromiso personal. Para ello hacen referencia concretamente encuentro internacional celebrado en Pekín (China) que les ha permitido ver que la creación de una civilización basada en el amor es posible; y que existen jóvenes sin prejuicios, capaces de abrirse para expresar y acoger ideas profundas que pueden cambiar sus vidas y relaciones personales y sociales. ; In times of conflict and radicalism it is more necessary than ever the active participation of young people in initiatives and projects that promote peace. The authors of this article expose their experience in the World Youth Parliament (WYP), a forum for dialogue where young people from different cultures, religions and social conditions share their reflections and vital experiences together looking for solutions to the problems that beset to humanity, and always from personal commitment. To that end, they specifically refer to an international meeting held in Beijing (China) that has allowed them to see that the creation of a civilization based on love is possible; and that there are young people without prejudice, capable of opening up to express and welcome deep ideas that can change their lives and personal and social relationships. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Artículos en revistas ; Se trata de un artículo que explica el proyecto "Parlamento Universal de la Juventud" en clave de misión evangelizadora. ; It is an article that explains the project "World Youth Parliament" in the key of evangelizing mission. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
In: The latin americanist: TLA, Band 68, Heft 4, S. 501-520
ISSN: 1557-203X
Resumen: Este artículo consta de tres partes: en la primera, repasamos el acervo académico de Ixcanul (2015), una película basada, por lo menos en parte, en un relato oral popular de esta zona (Castillo 132). Además de servir como reparto, la comunidad kaq'chikel de San Vicente Pacaya estuvo a cargo de la traducción del guion. En la segunda parte, establecemos un diálogo hemisférico entre los mundos discursivos indígenas del Buen Vivir y Place-Thought, y la sociogénesis y la autopoiesis de Sylvia Wynter. Tomamos este diálogo como una heurística para interpretar el filme y su capacidad de representar un mundo profundamente animado capaz de retar el sistema autopoiético orientado hacia el sistema colonial-moderno. Por último, consideramos el mundo profundamente animado a partir de escenas de Ixcanul y dos entrevistas hechas por las dos protagonistas (Coroy, Telón) del filme. Abstract: This article consists of three parts: in the first, we review the academic register of Ixcanul (2015), a film partially based on a popular oral story in Kaq'chikel. In addition to serving as the cast, the Kaq'chikel community of San Vicente Pacaya oversaw translating the script. In the second part, we establish a hemispheric dialogue between the Indigenous discursive worlds of Buen Vivir and Place-Thought, and Sylvia Wynter's sociogenesis and autopoiesis. We take this dialogue as a heuristic to interpret the film and its ability to represent a profoundly animated world capable of challenging the autopoietic system of the colonial-modern system. Finally, we consider this profoundly animated world from scenes within Ixcanul and two interviews by the film's protagonists (María Coroy, María Telón).
In: Journal of business ethics: JBE, Band 191, Heft 3, S. 633-649
ISSN: 1573-0697
AbstractAlthough most business-owning families (BOFs) that operate large family firms practice community social engagement both in private via family foundations and in the business domain via community corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, the relationship between their activities in the two domains remains unclear. Prior literature speculates that BOFs will deprioritize firms' community CSR when they have family foundations as more efficient vehicles to achieve socioemotional wealth (SEW), which would imply that such BOFs are less ethical in operating their firms. We contrast these speculations by enriching the socioemotional wealth (SEW) approach with instrumental stakeholder theory and cue consistency arguments and theorize that BOFs seek to ensure consistency between their activities in the two domains. Using data from 2008 to 2018 on the 95 largest US public family firms whose BOFs also operate private foundations, we show a positive relationship between family foundation giving and firm community CSR activity. Furthermore, we provide evidence for the boundary conditions of this relationship, showing that it is weaker for firms that do not share the family's name and stronger for those firms with family leaders who also lead their families' foundations.
In: European journal of family business, Band 11, Heft 1
ISSN: 2444-877X
We develop a theoretical framework explaining why and how business owning families (BOF) engage in impact investing. Despite its exponential growth, the burgeoning field impact investing is still subject to competing interpretations and varying practices. Building on the framework proposed by Nason et al. (2019b), we argue that a BOF's frame of reference (backward vs. forward looking and internally vs. externally oriented) constitutes a relevant heterogeneity that triggers a unique driver for engaging in impact investing and a distinct set of practices to do so.
13 páginas.-- 4 figuras.-- 85 referencias ; Many publications highlight the importance of nitric oxide (NO) in plant–bacteria interactions, either in the promotion of health and plant growth or in pathogenesis. However, the role of NO in the signaling between bacteria and plants and in the fate of their interaction, as well as the reconstruction of their interactive evolution, remains largely unknown. Despite the complexity of the evolution of life on Earth, we explore the hypothesis that denitrification and aerobic respiration were responsible for local NO accumulation, which triggered primordial antagonistic biotic interactions, namely the first phytopathogenic interactions. N-oxides, including NO, could globally accumulate via lightning synthesis in the early anoxic ocean and constitute pools for the evolution of denitrification, considered an early step of the biological nitrogen cycle. Interestingly, a common evolution may be proposed for components of denitrification and aerobic respiration pathways, namely for NO and oxygen reductases, a theory compatible with the presence of low amounts of oxygen before the great oxygenation event (GOE), which was generated by Cyanobacteria. During GOE, the increase in oxygen caused the decrease of Earth's temperature and the consequent increase of oxygen dissolution and availability, making aerobic respiration an increasingly dominant trait of the expanding mesophilic lifestyle. Horizontal gene transfer was certainly important in the joint expansion of mesophily and aerobic respiration. First denitrification steps lead to NO formation through nitrite reductase activity, and NO may further accumulate when oxygen binds NO reductase, resulting in denitrification blockage. The consequent transient NO surplus in an oxic niche could have been a key factor for a successful outcome of an early denitrifying prokaryote able to scavenge oxygen by NO/oxygen reductase or by an independent heterotrophic aerobic respiration pathway. In fact, NO surplus could result in toxicity causing "the first disease" in oxygen-producing Cyanobacteria. We inspected in bacteria the presence of sequences similar to the NO-producing nitrite reductase nirS gene of Thermus thermophilus, an extreme thermophilic aerobe of the Thermus/Deinococcus group, which constitutes an ancient lineage related to Cyanobacteria. In silico analysis revealed the relationship between the presence of nirS genes and phytopathogenicity in Gram-negative bacteria. ; This work was funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – in the frame of projects UID/BIA/00329/2013 and PTDC/AGR-PRO/1852/2014. MS is recipient of a grant (SFRH/BPD/109079/2015) from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. JG acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, CGL2014-58762-P, and Andalusian Regional Government, RNM2529, both cofinanced with FEDER funds. ; Peer reviewed
The Catholic Church has developed fundamentally throughout the last decades,a significant contribution to the reflection on how to build political, economic andsocial relations based on the values of the Gospel, for the well-being of minkind. In1967, Pope Paul VI published the encyclical letter Populorum Progressio in whichhe explained the conditions, from the perspective of the Church, so that a truedevelopment can take place, indicating that "in order for it to be authentic it mustbe integral, for the whole man and of all men "(n. 14). Since the publication of thisletter there have been significant changes in the business world, especially inrelation to globalization and the advent of the so-called digital era. However, thedeep keys of the proposal of Paul VI, of other texts of the Social Doctrine of theChurch and of Christian anthropology, remain current. Christian social thought'smission is to illuminate, as a prophecy, human action in this environment, whichundergoes faster and faster transformations. This study aims to offer, from theChristian perspective, some keys that can serve as a guide for decision making,especially for the business environment, in times of changes and uncertaintiesof the so-called digital era. As a result, the article offers three proposals forthe promotion of integral human development in the aforementioned context:unmasking ideologies, offering a clear model of a human being open totranscendence and fostering intergenerational cooperation. ; La Iglesia Católica ha desarrollado, fundamentalmente a lo largo de las últimas décadas, un aporte significativo para la reflexión acerca de cómo construir relaciones políticas, económicas y sociales basadas en los valores del Evangelio, por el bien de la humanidad. En 1967 el Papa Pablo VI publicó la carta encíclica Populorum Progressio donde explicitaba las condiciones, desde la perspectiva de la Iglesia, para que pueda darse un verdadero desarrollo, indicando que "para que sea auténtico ha de ser integral, de todo el hombre y de todos los hombres" (n. 14). Desde la publicación de esta carta se han producido cambios significativos en el mundo empresarial, especialmente en relación con la globalización y el advenimiento de la llamada era digital. Sin embargo, las claves profundas de la propuesta de Pablo VI, de otros textos de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y de la antropología cristiana, siguen siendo actuales. El pensamiento social cristiano tiene por misión iluminar, a modo de profecía, la acción humana en este entorno, que sufre transformaciones cada vez más rápidas. Este estudio pretende ofrecer, desde la perspectiva cristiana, algunas claves que puedan servir de guía para la toma de decisiones, sobre todo para el entorno empresarial, en tiempos de cambios e incertidumbres propios de la llamada era digital. Como resultado, el artículo ofrece tres propuestas para la promoción del desarrollo humano integral en el contexto anteriormente citado: desenmascarar las ideologías, ofrecer un claro modelo de ser humano abierto a la transcendencia y fomentar la cooperación intergeneracional.
In: Human resource management review, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 83-97
ISSN: 1053-4822
In: Administrative science quarterly: ASQ, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 82-113
ISSN: 1930-3815
This paper compares the environmental performance of family and nonfamily public corporations between 1998 and 2002, using a sample of 194 U.S. firms required to report their emissions. We found that family-controlled public firms protect their socioemotional wealth by having a better environmental performance than their nonfamily counterparts, particularly at the local level, and that for the nonfamily firms, stock ownership by the chief executive officer (CEO) has a negative environmental impact. We also found that the positive effect of family ownership on environmental performance persists independently of whether the CEO is a family member or serves both as CEO and board chair.
In: Administrative science quarterly: ASQ ; dedicated to advancing the understanding of administration through empirical investigation and theoretical analysis, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 82-113
ISSN: 0001-8392