Percentage points for directional anderson-darling goodness-of-fit tests
In: Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 523-532
ISSN: 1532-4141
5 Ergebnisse
In: Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 523-532
ISSN: 1532-4141
Recent demands on the military have raised concerns about the impact of extended deployments on military marriages. To evaluate this impact, the authors draw on marital status data in service personnel records to estimate trends in marriage and marital dissolution between 1996 and 2005 and the specific effects of time deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq on subsequent risk of ending a marriage. The results generally run counter to expectations. Although rates of marital dissolution have increased since 2001 for most services and components, they had declined in the five years prior to 2001. As a r
In: Research reports RR-A556-1
The Department of the Air Force is revamping the way it manages officer development and promotion. As part of this overhaul, the Line of the Air Force (LAF)-a single developmental category (DevCat) accounting for more than 80 percent of officers and 40 career fields-is being split into six separate DevCats. New personnel management flexibilities, introduced by the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, are also being introduced. The purpose of these changes is to enable the identification, development, and rewarding of talent at all stages of an officer's career. The motivations behind these personnel policy changes are clear. However, given the complexity of officer development and promotion management, it is difficult to fully anticipate the effects of these changes. To help decisionmakers evaluate the utility and implications of new personnel policies, the authors built a strategic tool called the Air Force Personnel Policy Simulation Tool (PPST) to simulate the effects of new personnel policies on career field health and demographic diversity. This tool can help ensure that Air Force policy changes will further stated goals; identify potentially adverse consequences of personnel policy changes on career fields and demographic groups; and if needed, develop mitigating courses of action
In: Research report RR-4263-AF
Preface -- Summary -- Introduction -- Contextual background for the Space Force -- Planning for the Force : analytic approach for determining which activities should transfer to the Space Force -- Planning for the Force : activities and organizations that should transfer to the Space Force -- Career field sustainment within the Space Force -- Lessons from the creation of other military organizations -- Charting an adaptive approach to implementation -- Conclusion.
In: [Research report] RR-2643-AF
Introduction -- Background and Study Approach -- Barriers to Air Force Civilian Advancement -- Barriers to Air Force Civilian Retention -- Conclusion and Recommendations -- Appendix A: The Civilian Personnel System -- Appendix B: Relevant Survey Results of Air Force Civilians -- Appendix C: Base Selection Methodology -- Appendix D: Full Race/Ethnicity and Gender Results on Entry Grade-Level Analysis -- Appendix E: Focus Group Background Questionnaires and Protocols -- Appendix F: Qualitative Coding Guide.