20 Ergebnisse
Religiosity in Lisbon Metropolitan Area by Age Group and Comparing with Portugal
In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions: ASSR, Heft 201, S. 121-144
ISSN: 1777-5825
Religiosidade em Portugal: caracterização, comparação e evolução
In: Religião e Sociedade, Band 39, Heft 3, S. 58-81
Este artigo tem três objectivos: caracterizar a religiosidade em Portugal, compará-la com os países europeus de matriz católica e analisar a sua evolução. A análise assenta nas bases de dados do ESS, do EVS e do ISSP. Os indicadores da dimensão comunidade são os mais elevados e estão acima da média; os indicadores da dimensão crença são elevados ou médios; os indicadores da dimensão prática são baixos ou médios; os indicadores da dimensão norma são médios e estão próximos da média. Na generalidade, os indicadores parecem estar a decrescer. As crenças não cristãs são baixas e parecem estar a crescer ligeiramente. O tipo praticante parece estar a baixar, mas não a favor do tipo peregrino, pelo menos de forma significativa.
Restrição à Liberdade Religiosa no Mundo: Caracterização de Clusters e Definição de Modelos Explicativos
In: Dados: revista de ciências sociais ; publication of the IUPRJ, Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro, Band 61, Heft 3, S. 617-657
ISSN: 1678-4588
RESUMO Este artigo tem dois objetivos. Primeiro: define-se e caracteriza-se clusters de restrição à liberdade religiosa (ou restrição religiosa), a nível mundial, assente em fatores religiosos, culturais, políticos, económicos, sociais e demográficos. Segundo: desenvolve-se três modelos explicativos da restrição religiosa, assentes nestes factores. A análise baseia-se no Pew Research Center, tanto nos dados das restrições governamentais e das hostilidades sociais, como nos seus quatro grupos (baixo, moderado, elevado e muito elevado). O principal factor explicativo da restrição religiosa é a percentagem de cristãos não ortodoxos, a mais importante nos três modelos, acrescido da dimensão populacional, liberdade, fraccionamento religioso e minoria muçulmana, cuja importância varia por modelo.
Religiosity in Europe: an index, factors, and clusters of religiosity
In: Sociologia: problemas e práticas, Heft 81, S. 163-188
This paper has three aims. The first aim is to measure religiosity across all European countries through an index that combines beliefs, practices, and attitudes. The second aim is to analyse the strength of societal factors on religiosity, including modernisation, communist rule, national identity, religious pluralism, and religious freedom. The final aim is to group European countries by religiosity and to characterise each cluster by dominant religions and these five societal factors. Based on EVS 2008, it was applied multivariate analysis to reach these aims. Cluster 1 is mainly composed of Orthodox, Muslims, and Catholics; cluster 2 of Catholics, Orthodox, and people without religion; cluster 3 by people without religion, Protestants, and Catholics. Across clusters, the degree of human development, religious pluralism, and religious freedom increase, while the degree of national identity decreases.
Clusters of religiosity of Portuguese population
In: Análise social: revista do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, Heft 216, S. 605-631
ISSN: 2182-2999
This article, based on evs 2008, presents clusters of religiosity regarding the Portuguese population. The author based his research on multiple correspondence analysis and clusters analysis, using one indicator for each dimension of religiosity (belief, practice, and attitude). Five clusters of religiosity were found: non-practicing heterodox believers, occasional practicing heterodox believers, skeptical Catholics, intermediate Catholics, and observant Catholics. These clusters were crossed with socio-demographic indicators and indicators to assess individualization.
Clusters of religiosity of Portuguese undergraduate youth
In: Sociologia: problemas e práticas, Heft 75, S. 109-130
This article presents results of the author's PhD thesis based on religious beliefs and practices, and attitudes of towards marriage, life, and sexuality. The sample included 500 undergraduate students from public universities of Lisbon. Applying multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis to these beliefs, practices, and attitudes, three clusters or types of religiosity were produced: nuclear Catholics, intermediate Catholics, and non-Catholics. These clusters were characterised in terms of religious socialisation, as well as of non-Catholic beliefs and practices, and aspects of life. When crossed with these last items, the clusters were renamed respectively: socio-centred orthodox, ambitious heterodox, activist and hedonist non-believers.
Less gives less, more gives more: Socialisation and religiosity in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
In: Social compass: international review of socio-religious studies, Band 71, Heft 3, S. 502-524
ISSN: 1461-7404
This article explores the theme of religious socialisation in an environment marked by modernity. It has three goals: first, to analyse the changes in religious socialisation across age groups; second, to analyse the impact of religious socialisation on religiosity; and third, to analyse the impact of religiosity on religious socialisation. Based on quantitative data about the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, results show the following: The level of religious socialisation increases with age, but young respondents have been significantly less socialised than older age groups; the level of religious education provided by respondents to their children increases with age; socialisation and religiosity are biunivocal, mutually reinforcing. In short, this article reinforces the theory of cohort replacement, which states that religiosity decreases in younger groups due to the decrease in religious socialisation over time.
Special issue—Highly religious young Catholics
In: Sociology compass, Band 17, Heft 7
ISSN: 1751-9020
Politischer Versuch über den Handel Portugals und seiner Kolonien
Aus d. Portugies. übers. u. mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Carl Murhard ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- Port. 10 b
Concordância das leis de Portugal e das bulas pontifícias: das quais umas permitem a escravidão dos pretos da África e outras proíbem a escravidão dos índios do Brasil
In: Publicações históricas 89
Memoria sobre o preco do Assucar
In: Institiuto de açucar e do álcool, Série história 2
Trabalho rural e saúde: intoxicações por agrotóxicos no município de Teresópolis - RJ
In: Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, Band 43, Heft 4, S. 685-701
ISSN: 0103-2003
Este estudo procura avaliar as características do trabalho rural no município de Teresópolis, procurando encontrar associações entre variáveis que indicam o uso indevido de agrotóxicos e a intoxicação por esse tipo de produto entre aplicadores de agrotóxicos. Adicionalmente, pretende-se criar subsídios à discussão das práticas de regulação ao uso desses produtos. Os dados foram obtidos de uma pesquisa realizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), que aplicou, em Teresópolis - RJ, questionários que contemplavam variáveis de características pessoais, do estabelecimento, do uso de agrotóxicos e de intoxicação por esses produtos. Através de análise exploratória dos dados e de uma regressão logística foi possível encontrar fatores de risco e de proteção relacionados à saúde dos trabalhadores, no que diz respeito à intoxicação por uso de agrotóxicos. Tal fato aponta para urgentes compromissos no sentido de criar políticas de regulação capazes de reduzir essas características de risco, bem como de ampliar os fatores de proteção à saúde dos trabalhadores rurais.
Electronic Properties and Structure of Boron–Hydrogen Complexes in Crystalline Silicon
From Wiley via Jisc Publications Router ; History: received 2021-06-27, rev-recd 2021-09-04, pub-electronic 2021-09-17 ; Article version: VoR ; Publication status: Published ; Funder: Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Government of the Phlippines ; Funder: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia in Portugal; Grant(s): UIDB/50025/2020, UIDP/50025/2020 ; The subject of hydrogen–boron interactions in crystalline silicon is revisited with reference to light and elevated temperature‐induced degradation (LeTID) in boron‐doped solar silicon. Ab initio modeling of structure, binding energy, and electronic properties of complexes incorporating a substitutional boron and one or two hydrogen atoms is performed. From the calculations, it is confirmed that a BH pair is electrically inert. It is found that boron can bind two H atoms. The resulting BH2 complex is a donor with a transition level estimated at E c–0.24 eV. Experimentally, the electrically active defects in n‐type Czochralski‐grown Si crystals co‐doped with phosphorus and boron, into which hydrogen is introduced by different methods, are investigated using junction capacitance techniques. In the deep‐level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) spectra of hydrogenated Si:P + B crystals subjected to heat‐treatments at 100 °C under reverse bias, an electron emission signal with an activation energy of ≈0.175 eV is detected. The trap is a donor with electronic properties close to those predicted for boron–dihydrogen. The donor character of BH2 suggests that it can be a very efficient recombination center of minority carriers in B‐doped p‐type Si crystals. A sequence of boron–hydrogen reactions, which can be related to the LeTID effect in Si:B is proposed.
Indium‐Doped Silicon for Solar Cells—Light‐Induced Degradation and Deep‐Level Traps
From Wiley via Jisc Publications Router ; History: received 2021-02-28, rev-recd 2021-06-11, pub-electronic 2021-07-21 ; Article version: VoR ; Publication status: Published ; Funder: EPSRC (UK); Grant(s): EP/TO25131/1 ; Funder: Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Government of the Phlippines ; Funder: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Id:; Grant(s): UIDB/50025/2020, UIDP/50025/2020 ; Indium‐doped silicon is considered a possible p‐type material for solar cells to avoid light‐induced degradation (LID), which occurs in cells made from boron‐doped Czochralski (Cz) silicon. Herein, the defect reactions associated with indium‐related LID are examined and a deep donor is detected, which is attributed to a negative‐U defect believed to be InsO2. In the presence of minority carriers or above bandgap light, the deep donor transforms to a shallow acceptor. An analogous transformation in boron‐doped material is related to the BsO2 defect that is a precursor of the center responsible for BO LID. The electronic properties of InsO2 are determined and compared to those of the BsO2 defect. Structures of the BsO2 and InsO2 defects in different charges states are found using first‐principles modeling. The results of the modeling can explain both the similarities and the differences between the BsO2 and InsO2 properties.