ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE LAW - Recent Developments in Land Use, Planning and Zoning Law - Current Issues in Inclusionary Zoning
In: The urban lawyer: the national journal on state and local government law, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 513-528
ISSN: 0042-0905
6 Ergebnisse
In: The urban lawyer: the national journal on state and local government law, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 513-528
ISSN: 0042-0905
In: The urban lawyer: the national journal on state and local government law, Band 36, Heft 3, S. 557-570
ISSN: 0042-0905
As anti-growth sentiment increases across the country, two laudable goals—affordable housing and environmental protection—are coming into conflict. This tension is most evident in California. Nine of the ten least affordable communities in the country are in California. California also has one of the most complicated and expensive environmental regulatory processes for development. This results in builders being unable to produce housing to keep up with demand, and an increase in the cost of those units that are available. "Smart Growth" is often proffered as the answer to this dilemma: by promoting more compact development, mixed-use and mixed-income neighborhoods, and creating jobs near housing and transportation, housing production will be available to meet the demand at affordable costs. While these principles may serve as a valuable planning guide, they are not a panacea. In this respect, local governments have used inclusionary housing programs as one tool to respond to this escalation of housing costs and probably will continue to do so.
In: The urban lawyer: the national journal on state and local government law, Band 35, Heft 4, S. 739-748
ISSN: 0042-0905
In: Health information management journal, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 15-25
ISSN: 1833-3575
This paper explains how routinely collected data can be used to examine the emergency department attendances of Victorian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The data reported in the Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD) for the 2006/2007 financial year were analysed. The presentations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal people were compared in terms of age, gender, hospital location (metropolitan and rural) and presenting condition. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were found to attend the emergency department 1.8 times more often than non-Aboriginal people. While the emergency department presentation rates of metropolitan Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal people were similar, rural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people presented to the emergency department 2.3 times more often than non-Aboriginal people. The injuries or poisonings, respiratory conditions and mental disorders presentation rates of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal population were compared. No previous studies have assessed the accuracy of the Indigenous status and diagnosis fields in the VEMD; therefore the quality of this data is unknown.
In: The urban lawyer: the national journal on state and local government law, Band 38, Heft 3, S. 701-712
ISSN: 0042-0905