Veteran's Health Care
In: Health Care Issues, Costs and Access
Intro -- VETERANS' HEALTH CARE: ELEMENTS AND ANALYSES -- VETERANS' HEALTH CARE: ELEMENTS AND ANALYSES -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 HEALTH CARE FOR VETERANS': ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -- SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- ENROLLMENT IN VA HEALTH CARE -- Can All Veterans Enroll in VA Health Care? -- Which Veterans Can Enroll in VA Health Care? -- Is Enrollment Different for Returning Combat Veterans? -- Is Enrollment Different for Members of the Reserves? -- Is Enrollment Different for Members of the National Guard? -- How Do Veterans Enroll in VA Health Care? -- Are Veterans' Family Members Eligible for VA Health Care? -- MEDICAL BENEFITS -- What Are the Standard Medical Benefits? -- Does the VA Provide Gender-Specific Services for Women? -- Does the VA Provide Dental Care? -- Does the VA Provide Hearing Aids and Eyeglasses? -- Does the VA Provide Long-Term Care? -- Does the VA Pay for Medical Care at Non-VA Facilities? -- Does the VA Pay for Emergency Care at Non-VA Facilities? -- COSTS TO VETERANS AND INSURANCE COLLECTIONS -- Do Veterans Have to Pay for Their Care? -- Can the VA Bill Private Health Insurance? -- Can the VA Bill Medicare? -- APPENDIX. VA PRIORITY GROUPS AND THEIR ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA -- End Notes -- Chapter 2 "WHO IS A VETERAN?" - BASIC ELIGIBILITY FOR VETERANS' BENEFITS -- SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- WHO IS A VETERAN? -- Active Service -- Length of Service -- Discharge Criteria -- Whether the Military Service Was during a Time of War -- NATIONAL GUARD AND RESERVE -- CIVILIAN GROUPS -- End Notes -- Chapter 3 HEALTH CARE FOR DEPENDENTS AND SURVIVORS OF VETERANS' -- SUMMARY -- OVERVIEW -- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS -- Who Is Eligible to Receive CHAMPVA Benefits? -- What Happens if a CHAMPVA-Eligible Spouse Divorces or Remarries? -- When Does a Child Lose Eligibility? -- What Is the Difference Between CHAMPVA and TRICARE?