Spatial Identification of Passive Radio Frequency Identification Tags Using Software Defined Radios
This research seeks to utilize a software defined radio for the detection and spatial identification of radio frequency identification tags. A software defined radio (SDR) is a hardware platform that provides the ability to broadcast and receive across multiple bands of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum, depending on the RF front end and software profile loaded on it. The focus of the research will be on the spatial identification (SID) of passive radio frequency identification tags (RFID). The research is applicable to many areas of day-to-day operations both within the DoD and industry. Flight line safety tracking of equipment and personnel, as well as perimeter defense, are two areas that may benefit from this technology. One dual-purpose, civilian and military, application would be the tracking and locating of inventory within a warehouse. The research developed and implemented a SID process, and proved its suitability to quickly identify and locate target tags within range. A profile of the system's capabilities and limitations in a laboratory environment was developed, including range, sensitivity, and accuracy.