Protocol to support model selection and evaluation in a modular crop modelling framework: An application for simulating crop response to nitrogen supply
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 86, S. 43-54
2 Ergebnisse
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 86, S. 43-54
This 26th dossier d'Agropolis is devoted to research and partnerships in agroecology. The French Commission for International Agricultural Research (CRAI) and Agropolis International, on behalf of CIRAD, INRAE and IRD and in partnership with CGIAR, has produced this new issue in the 'Les dossiers d'Agropolis international' series devoted to agroecology. This publication has been produced within the framework of the Action Plan signed by CGIAR and the French government on February 4th 2021 to strengthen French collaboration with CGIAR, where agroecology is highlighted as one of the three key priorities (alongside climate change, nutrition and food systems).