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10 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015031981320
cover-title ; At head of title: The Lincoln school of Teachers college. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In this volume global health experts present compelling examples of evidence-based and culturally appropriate models for reducing global health disparities. Divided into eight parts, coverage includes:. ? the legacy and role of racism in contributing to disparities. ? recommendations for research with practice applications. ? key role of collaborations, partnerships and community-based research. ? new internet technology. ? training of community health workers and peer educators. ? special populations considered most vulnerable. ? the task of closing the education and health gap by addressing
In: Publications of the Center for Education in Latin America, Institute of International Studies
In: The series on school reform
In: A Publication of the Institute of Higher Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015062960243
"A research study of the Institute of Adult Education." ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.31158007928681
Organized and written with the collaboration of Marie Gulbransen. ; Town and city life in America.--The westward movement and the growth of transportation.--The mechanical conquest of America.--America's march toward democracy.--Americanizing our foreign-born.--Resources, industries and cities.--Industries and trade which bind nations together.--Explorers and settlers westward bound.--Problems of American industry and business.--Problems of American government. ; Mode of access: Internet.
N.L. Engelhardt, associate director of survey. ; I.E. Phillips, chariman, Educational survey commission. ; "Your commission selected the Division of field studies, Institute of educational research, Teachers' college, Columbia university, New York city . to undertake the educational survey work for the state of Florida . with Dr. George D. Strayer . as director of survey."--p. 8. ; Cover-title: Educational survey commission and survey staff report to the legislature, state of Florida, 1929. ; Complete report. ; Includes tables. ; Mode of access: Internet.