L'etica dello statistico nelle rilevazioni statistiche ufficiali
The paper focuses on some facets of ethical relevance of the many problems the official statistician has to deal with. His work has not to be seen only as instrumental to government activities but rather as guide to knowledge and decisions of every member of the social body: he offers a service in the form of a public good. In performing his duties, he must comply with usual norms of correctness, impartiality, respect of privacy and confidentiality, and so on, but he has also to go beyond to larger horizons. He should certainly care for professional competence in his field, but also be opened to dialogue with other experts, administrators and politicians. He should be able to understand and foresee problems, tensions,difficulties as well as material and spiritual resources of the society in which he lives so to be capable to imagine, plan and create a relevant documentation needed for a better choice of the right way for solutions.