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35 Ergebnisse
In: APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper
Working paper
In: Campaigns and elections: the journal of political action, Band 27, Heft 8, S. 50-53
ISSN: 0197-0771
In: Canadian labour: Le Monde syndical, Band 24, S. 9-12
ISSN: 0008-4336
In: Washington University Law Review, Band 97, Heft 693
In: Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Band 26, S. 1217
In: Indiana Law Journal, Band 85, S. 1379
In: Marine corps gazette: the Marine Corps Association newsletter, Band 91, Heft 3, S. 34-35
ISSN: 0025-3170
In: Canadian public policy: Analyse de politiques, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 297
ISSN: 1911-9917
In: Canadian public policy: Analyse de politiques, Band 1, Heft 4, S. 487
ISSN: 1911-9917
In: Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, Band 33, Heft 6, S. 1697-1713
ISSN: 1472-3425
Action for adaptation is needed in the face of anthropogenic climate change. The record of adaptation in the field of freshwater governance is poor to date, as it is apparently constrained by operational frameworks. Analyses based on the Contemporary Theory of Metaphor can reveal underlying, often institutionally reified, operational frameworks. We present a desktop metaphor mapping study of one UK and one Australian water management planning document. This mapping demonstrates the potential of metaphor analysis, with further methodological and praxis development, to support the new ways of thinking and acting that are needed to challenge deeply held social and cultural norms of linear, rather than systemic, causality. We suggest that metaphor has the potential to help practitioners expose and examine reified operational frameworks and practices, and to change those that hinder adaptive and systemic praxis.
In: Total Quality Management &; Business Excellence, 2015
In: Quality Management Journal, Band 14, Heft 4
The Heart of Hospitality is the essential guide to creating exceptional customer service and hospitality for guests of all generations, including millennials, boomers, and more. Created by leading customer service expert and Forbes.com contributor Micah Solomon, it features top hospitality industry professionals including Herve Humler (Ritz-Carlton), Danny Meyer (Union Square Hospitality Group), Tom Colicchio (Top Chef, Craft), Isadore Sharp (Four Seasons), Patrick O'Connell (The Inn at Little Washington), and many more. The result is a hospitality management and customer service resource like no other-essential for businesses inside and outside the hospitality industry. As Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company President and COO Herve Humler says in his foreword to the book, "If you want to create and sustain a level of service so memorable that it becomes an unbeatable competitive advantage, you'll find the secrets here."
In: Environmental science & policy, Band 10, Heft 6, S. 564-574
ISSN: 1462-9011