19 Ergebnisse
Wazektomia. Krytyczne studium popularności tego zjawiska pośród Brytyjczyków
In: Studia krytyczne: Critical studies, Heft 1, S. 146-162
ISSN: 2450-9078
Rozważania dotyczą popularności zabiegu wazektomii na świecie, a w szczególności w Wielkiej Brytanii. Poruszane zostają aspekty kulturowe, moralne, prawne i medyczne. Analizowane są różnice opinii wobec kontroli urodzeń, polityki demograficznej, oraz możliwości samodzielnego decydowania o sobie. Artykuł dotyka stereotypów związanych z płodnością, męskością, równouprawnieniem płci; analizuje korzyści i straty ekonomiczne i zdrowotne związane z zabiegiem wazektomii. Poszukiwane są powody popularności tej metody antykoncepcyjnej. W kontekście rosnącej wolności obyczajowej można zadać pytania: czy wybór wazektomii świadczy o nastawieniu współczesnego człowieka na seksualną wolność i niekontrolowanie Freudowskich popędów? Czy też jest racjonalną przemyślaną decyzją w trosce o zdrowie i zwiększoną wolność wyboru kobiet?
This introductory article is intended to open the volume of work prepared by the participants of the 12th UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School. The participants presented these papers at the RC25 ISA Interim International Conference in Warsaw, entitled: "Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences" (26-27.09.2019), exploring the concepts of gender equality and children's equality in liberal and conservative discourses and practices invested in language. The papers in this volume primarily use the methodology of discourse analysis and a range of tools and methods within this framework. The purpose is to shed light on how discourses inform preferences, behaviours and representations, towards the positioning of individuals in society, based on their respective gender and their individual status - whether an adult or a child. It is interesting to explore what is expected of the holders of these positions and whether they are able to confront and renegotiate their situation. The authors look into gendered childhood, analysing if differences can be found in so-called conservative and liberal discourses. The gender aspect of childhood and the resistance towards children's expected positions interlinked to their gender is visible to diverse degrees in this selection of papers. The concept of social positioning due to one's gender is at the heart of this volume. Therefore, this Editorial forms a theoretical backstage for the volume of works included in the special post-conference issue of Society Register.
Gender equality and children's equality in liberal and conservative discourses: implications toward language and society
In: Society register, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 7-16
ISSN: 2544-5502
This introductory article is intended to open the volume of work prepared by the participants of the 12th UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School. The participants presented these papers at the RC25 ISA Interim International Conference in Warsaw, entitled: "Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences" (26-27.09.2019), exploring the concepts of gender equality and children's equality in liberal and conservative discourses and practices invested in language. The papers in this volume primarily use the methodology of discourse analysis and a range of tools and methods within this framework. The purpose is to shed light on how discourses inform preferences, behaviours and representations, towards the positioning of individuals in society, based on their respective gender and their individual status - whether an adult or a child. It is interesting to explore what is expected of the holders of these positions and whether they are able to confront and renegotiate their situation. The authors look into gendered childhood, analysing if differences can be found in so-called conservative and liberal discourses. The gender aspect of childhood and the resistance towards children's expected positions interlinked to their gender is visible to diverse degrees in this selection of papers. The concept of social positioning due to one's gender is at the heart of this volume. Therefore, this Editorial forms a theoretical backstage for the volume of works included in the special post-conference issue of Society Register.
Cultural Conditioning of the Labour Market in Saudi Arabia
In: Politeja: pismo Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Band 12, Heft 8 (31/2), S. 185-196
ISSN: 2391-6737
The present work concerns an anthropological outlook on the political consequences of corporate and economic migration to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and labour market segregation. The complexity of cultural codes and the clash of customs are discussed in the paper, which is based on a two‑year period of sociological field research conducted in the KSA by the author. The ethnographic materials are enriched by discourse from daily Saudi papers and other international publications. The study contains an insight into race and ethnicity as seen by Saudis themselves and also allows a deeper understanding of the power distribution in this particular modern Islamic society. In the climate of the European economic crisis, the sustained demand for highly qualified migrant workers in the KSA provides a lucrative alternative for specialists across market sectors and this often involves their families. In light of the globalised market, many corporations run multi‑billion dollar contracts inside the Kingdom and relocate their own work force to achieve business goals. The need for specialists and for cheap manual labour from abroad is a direct result of the Saudi education system, together with the work ethic amongst the majority of Saudi nationals, which is heavily influenced by the cultural and sociological consequences of the Wahhabi interpretation of the Quran. This interpretation has a major impact on Saudi society and on migrants, particularly women. The social order is widely supported and successfully reproduced through a united message present in education, the national media and local mosques. Concerns over ethnic divisions are focused on conflicting ideologies, represented in the interactions between newcomers and the indigenous population.
A gated community as a 'soft' and gendered total institution
In: International sociology: the journal of the International Sociological Association, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 233-249
ISSN: 1461-7242
The case study presented in this article is based on ethnographic materials collated during a two-year field research inside a Western, gated, militarized and isolated compound, situated outside Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The article explores not only the implications of Goffman's total institution (TI) model in this new setting, but it also discovers a new dimension of gender–power relations in the context of a specific gated community. It focuses on the symbolic exchanges in and outside the walls, with a specific focus on gender agenda. It advances the TI concept towards a 'softer' and yet still 'total' type of institution, where the gender polarity in and outside the compound sets a unique organizational structure. The idea of 'gender adjustment' and the soft model of total institution (where soft indicates the ambiguity of the gate and its symbolic dimension) are the main theoretical contributions.
Book review: Włodzimierz Wesołowski, Kazimierz M. Słomczyński and Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow (eds), National and European? Polish Political Elite in Comparative Perspective
In: International sociology: the journal of the International Sociological Association, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 161-164
ISSN: 1461-7242
'We shed tears, but there is no one there to wipe them up for us': narratives of (mis)trust in a materially deprived community
In: Health, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 283-301
This article reports on a qualitative study in a materially deprived locality in northern England, which originally aimed to explore local residents' views of proposed changes to local health care provision. However, participants also quickly moved the research agenda onto widespread discussions of (mis)trust. Unlike much sociological literature that defines trust as operating on two levels (inter-personal and system-based), their narratives of trust were constructed on several inter-connected levels. We explore mistrust in local general practitioners (GPs) as a factor of mistrust of a number of local and national organizations and social systems, rather than solely related to the medical system. Widespread mistrust of 'authority' was narrated through a shared history of disinvestment and loss of services in the locality and 'broken promises' by a range of institutions, which precipitated feelings of social exclusion and disembeddedness.
A Retrospective on Teenage Pregnancy in Poland: Focussing on Empowerment and Support Variables to Challenge Stereotyping in the Context of Social Work
In: Child & adolescent social work journal, Band 38, Heft 2, S. 165-174
ISSN: 1573-2797
AbstractThe article focuses on selected predicators of successful and fulfilling teenage motherhood. It contains analysis of qualitative data, obtained through comprehensive interviews and field notes from social work practice, based on the personal experiences of teenage mothers and a court appointed family curator. Using herstory perspective, it aims to present positive examples of teenage motherhood as a source of empowerment and independence, to unveil and combat stereotypical views on adolescent mothers in Poland. Moreover, the authors discuss systemic issues and challenges as well as a social stigma created by public opinion and aim to challenge harmful stereotyping. The article contributes to social work practice for the purpose of enhancement of the international comparative studies in this field.
Social pedagogy vs social work in Poland
In: International Journal of Social Pedagogy, Band 10, Heft 1
ISSN: 2051-5804
This article is a descriptive review of the historical and theoretical conditions of social pedagogy and social work in Poland. It pertains to the definition, tradition and development of social pedagogy and social work in Poland. Using the insiders' expert overview of the latter, it identifies the disciplinary boundaries, commonalities and differences that shape both social work and social pedagogy today. The authors present the academic roots, methodology, research scopes, theoretical framework for practitioners and finally, the practical application for both disciplines. The discussion is based on literary sources and extensive experience in the field presented by an associate professor of social pedagogy and a qualified social worker, both employed at a social pedagogy department. This combination ensures scientific honesty and a double-screening procedure of the content from the perspective of practitioners representing both disciplines. This approach provides a balanced view, since the interdependency and separation of the two fields may be seen as an area of potential negotiation.
In this issue, one may find both theoretical and empirical papers, followed by three book reviews. The issue opens with papers in English, which is our target language, followed by papers in Polish. There are papers from authors based in Algeria, India, Iran, UK, USA, Vietnam, Turkey and Poland, who are all social researchers and active observers of social life at different stages of their academic and professional career.We present you with a selection of current social, educational, political and philosophical topics in a socio-historical context: intercultural issues, identity and resistance, social systems, social control and rehabilitation, communication, reflexivity, spirituality and religion, social justice, issues relevant to education and care, politics, language and even poetry.We aim to become an open forum of scientific thought exchange, inviting scholars with a wide range of experience within the rich field of social sciences, embracing subjects that are both central and peripheral to the further development of disciplines such as sociology, comparative pedagogy, social psychology, anthropology, education, social policy, international relations and philosophy.What makes us unique in Central Europe is that we wish to offer avenues to be heard and visible for early career scholars alongside established authorities in these fields of expertise. We would like to be comprehensive internationally and in order to do so we promote comparative studies.
Dear Professor Ambrosewicz-Jacobs, you are an icon for education about the Holocaust in Poland, you are very well regarded abroad and well known for that reason. I will start with some simple questions to get our conversation going. First question: Would you say that there are challenges in the preservation of memory about the Holocaust and challenges for the preservation of historic objectivity?
A preliminary study of Polish students' aptitude for thinking reflexively, differentiated by higher education faculties and the level of study
In: Society register, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 97-106
ISSN: 2544-5502
The paper contains the original empirical study, based on quantified qualitative questionnaire, containing reflexivity scales - called QRT (Questionnaire to measure the Level of Reflexive Thinking) - developed by Kember et al. (2002) - translated, adjusted, validated and adopted to Polish circumstances. The aim was to compare the reflexivity levels amongst higher education students at differentiated faculties and at different levels of study (bachelor's, Master's and doctoral) to capture dependent variables and to promote reflexivity as a subject of scientific enquiry.
Suicide rates amongst adolescents A mental health practitioner's perspective in Poland and a global, Big Data context
In: Resocjalizacja Polska: Polish journal of social rehabilitation, Heft 21, S. 461-486
ISSN: 2392-2656
The paper contributes to mental health studies of children and youth's suicide and suicide attempts. Inspired by early sociological concepts such as Durkheim's contribution to understanding suicide through social anomy, we ran statistical analysis of worldwide suicide rates and tested for correlation between suicide rates amongst children and youth and "Big Data" on social, educational, economic and environmental factors around the world. Amongst them we considered 88 variables including Human Development Index (HDI) and its indicators, rates of religious observance and denomination, and even the hours of sunlight and the average temperature in each country. The statistical section of the paper is preceded by the results of analysis from the anonymised mental health records of adolescents with suicidal and self-harming tendencies. The data came from a Polish psychotherapist and was accompanied by in-depth analysis of contributing factors from purposely selected, attempted suicide cases, in order to enrich the statistical perspective with biological, individual, environmental and situational factors. Finally, we identify trigger factors and protective indicators, derived from both the statistical and the empirical part of our study.
Maternal mortality and severe morbidity in rural Indonesia Part 2: Implementation of a community audit
INTRODUCTION: In the absence of unifying conceptual frameworks, there have been calls to identify and share practical experiences of community participation in health (CPH) to document the contexts and dynamics of participatory practice. OBJECTIVES: This article describes the process of a community-based review of care in obstetric emergencies from rural Indonesia. METHODS: Four village-based groups were convened to review a series of cases of maternal death and disability and to develop recommendations for health planning. Narrative analysis of the reviewers' discussions was employed to describe and explain whether and how participation occurred. RESULTS: Participation was complex, dynamic and evolved over the course of the study. Although blame and defensiveness characterised the early discussions, over time the reviewers became less condemning of individuals and more so of systems and services, situating individual behaviours within wider health and social systems. Participants also increasingly shared personal experiences, generating rich and explicit reviews of care. Eliciting this information was contingent on skilful facilitation, assuring anonymity and instilling a 'permission to criticise' among participants. Sufficient time was also required to convey the necessary principles and reassurances. Despite evidence of learning outcomes, implementation and evaluation of the recommendations were not possible so sustainability and empowerment were likely to be limited. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its potential and relevance, the adoption of meaningful CPH activities may be threatened by wider socio-economic and political conditions, as well as by prevailing evidence hierarchies. We recommend policy and research to establish a firmer foundation for this progressive, yet obscured, public health concept.