13 Ergebnisse
Working paper
Unconventional Monetary Policy and Labor Demand
Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, and Economic Policy Uncertainty: A Favar Analysis
In: NAJEF-D-24-00388
Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, and Economic Policy Uncertainty: A Favar Analysis
In: 24-188
Foreign aid and growth: A Sp P-VAR analysis using satellite sub-national data for Uganda
In: Journal of development economics, Band 134, S. 50-67
ISSN: 0304-3878
A Signal of Altruistic Motivation for Foreign Aid
In: The B.E. journal of economic analysis & policy, Band 16, Heft 4
ISSN: 1935-1682
We develop a stylized theoretical model showing that countercyclical transfers from a wealthy donor to a poorer recipient generate a signal of altruistic donor motivation. Applying the model to OECD foreign aid (ODA) data we find the signal present in approximately one-sixth of a large set of donor–recipient pairs. We then undertake two out-of-model exercises to validate the signal: a logit regression of signal determinants and the growth effects of ODA from signal-positive pairs are compared to non-signal bearers. The logit indicates our signal meaningfully distinguishes donor–recipient pairs by characteristics typically associated with altruism. The growth exercise shows ODA from signal bearers displays stronger reverse causation and more positive long-run effects. Beyond foreign aid, our signal of altruistic motivation may be applicable to a wide range of voluntary transfers.
Working paper
Working paper
Urban Sprawl and Social Capital: Evidence from Indonesian Cities
In: The economic journal: the journal of the Royal Economic Society, Band 133, Heft 654, S. 2110-2146
ISSN: 1468-0297
We use detailed data from Indonesian cities to study how variation in density within urban areas affects social capital. For identification, we instrument density with soil characteristics, and control for community averages of observed characteristics. Under plausible assumptions, these controls address sorting on observables and unobservables. We find that lower density increases trust in neighbours and community participation. We also find that lower density is associated with reduced interethnic tolerance, but this relationship is explained by sorting. Heterogeneity analysis suggests that crime in dense areas undermines community trust and participation, intensifying the negative impact of density.
Rationally Inattentive Consumer: An Experiment
In: FRB of Dallas Working Paper No. 1813
Working paper
State dependent price setting rules under implicit thresholds: An experiment
In: Journal of economic dynamics & control, Band 68, S. 17-44
ISSN: 0165-1889