375 Ergebnisse
Da Yalta all'11 settembre: 60 anni di storia che hanno cambiato il mondo
In: Gli archi
Das UNCITRAL-Modellgesetz über internationale ADR-Verfahren in Wirtschaftsstreitigkeiten
In: Schriften zum Verfahrensrecht 24
Sistema mercato: regole senza confini e confini senza regole
In: Strumenti e ricerche 26
The US can do more to protect religious freedom around the world
A recent report spotlights the breadth and depth of challenges to religious freedom across the globe. Washington must act.
Saggi: La teologia politica di Carl Schmitt e problema delle normatività
In: Filosofia politica: riv. semestrale, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 85-108
ISSN: 0394-7297
La organización administrativa en su contexto social
In: Documentación administrativa
ISSN: 1989-8983
MILITARY CHILD DETENTION IN THE WEST BANK: An Israeli politics-driven policy aimed at destroying the will of a generation
My research introduces the issue of the Israeli military detention policies towards Palestinian children in the West Bank (WB) and illustrates how these violate international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL), despite their legally binding nature and despite Israel's obligation to protect Palestinian civilians as protected persons under occupation. My research shows that Israel fails to uphold the best interest of the child resorting to the detention of Palestinian minors in an "intentional, widespread and systematic manner" (UNICEF, 2013:13) and not as a measure of last resort. My research also shows that intentionally targeting Palestinian children is one of several tools Israel adopts to enforce the occupation in the WB. Ultimately, Israeli detention policies are a form of persecution and deny children their right to self-determination. My research applies two methods: legal analysis and interviews. Chapter two discusses Israel's obligations under IHRL with special reference to the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 (CRC), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 (ICCPR) and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 1984 (CAT) and under IHL with special reference to the Hague Regulations of 1907 and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1948 (IV GC). The legal analysis focuses mainly on IHRL and only partially draws on IHL. Finally, chapter three presents the findings from interviews to a number of human rights advocates from Palestinian and international NGOs. The interviews, conducted between March 18th and May 28th, 2015, corroborate the legal arguments.
Antropologia e interpretazione: il contributo di Clifford Geertz alle scienze sociali
In: Antropologia e scienze sociali
Leveraging generative artificial intelligence to outcompete strategic rivals
The United States and its allies must leverage generative artificial intelligence to outcompete strategic rivals.
Why do open seafaring nations excel in great power rivalry?: reflections on Colin Cray's contributions to geopolitical theory
In: Comparative strategy, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 190-193
ISSN: 1521-0448
World Affairs Online
An overview of rheumatological research in the European Union
OBJECTIVES—To evaluate the distribution and scope of papers published by authors from the European Union (EU) in rheumatological journals and the impact of rheumatological research in the EU in comparison with that produced elsewhere. METHODS—Papers published during the year 1995 in the 17 rheumatological journals screened by ISI were considered. The journal impact factor (IF) was noted. All key words, both those reported by the authors and those attributed by ISI, were identified and their frequency was calculated using a special purpose program. RESULTS—2331 papers were published in the rheumatological literature during 1995. Of them, 1316 (56.5%) came from the EU (29.4% from the UK, 17.4% from France, 11.5% from Germany, and 10.8 % from Italy) and 544 (23.3%) from the USA. The mean IF of EU papers was approximately 2 in comparison with 3.5 for the USA and 2.4 for other countries. In 1995, 2680 key words attributed by the authors and 5651 attributed by ISI appeared in the rheumatological literature. Less than a quarter of them was cited more than twice. The leading key words were rheumatoid arthritis for diseases and methotrexate for drugs. CONCLUSIONS—Bibliometric findings are useful to follow research trends. These data show the relevance of EU rheumatological research and the high scientific production of small countries. Dispersion of key words should be avoided and journal editors should promote their standardisation. Keywords: rheumatology; bibliometrics; Europe; keyword
Working paper