43 Ergebnisse
CATCH-EyoU. Representations of the EU and Youth Active Citizenship in Educational Contexts. Focus Groups with Italian Students. EXTRACT. Perceived School Characteristics Fostering Civic Engagement
This dataset contains the underlying qualitative data of the following article published in the journal Frontiers in Political Science: Tzankova, I., Albanesi, A., & Cicognani, E. (2021). Perceived school characteristics fostering civic engagement among adolescents in Italy. Frontiers in Political Science. The dataset consists of textual qualitative data collected in Italy within Work Package 6 of the research project CATCH EyoU (Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European YOUth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions). It consists of 513 quotations from 10 focus groups with 101 adolescents between 16 and 20 years old. Students participated in the study on a voluntary basis and were requested to read and sign an informed consent form prior to participating (for minors the consent was preliminarily asked also to parents). The data is an extract from the raw Italian dataset and was used in the analysis of students' perspectives on the mechanisms and limitations of democratic school characteristics outside of the formal curriculum (democratic school climate, student participation and critical reflection at school) in promoting civic engagement. It contains an identifier for each focus group discussion and the extracted quotations from verbal transcripts. The data has been fully anonymized. This data is made available for open access in compliance with H2020 Program regulation, following the guidelines stipulated by the Data Management Plan adopted by the CATCH-EyoU research project.
Youth Participation in Psychological Literature: A Semantic Analysis of Scholarly Publications in the PsycInfo Database
The topic of youth participation in the public sphere has received increasing attention within recent psychological research. The literature remains somewhat fragmented between different conceptualizations varying in their specificity or broadness. The present study aims to map the current state of debate in psychology regarding youth civic and political participation and to identify the prevalent themes that characterize the research in the discipline from 1990 to 2016. A semantic content analysis with the software T-Lab was performed on a corpus of 1,777 publications retrieved from the PsycInfo database. The results highlight the increasing number of academic contributions on the topic, confirming the growing importance of the issue within psychology. The study sheds light on the spheres of participation, in which the discipline has attempted to make a contribution, namely: traditional and online political context, institutional civic education, adolescent development, and rights-based activism. Moreover, the findings reveal the existing opposing priorities of research that focus either on the explanation of specific forms of involvement or on the formation of future citizens. Within the thematic attention to young people's civic and political development, there seem to be two general approaches that see youth in divergent ways: as citizens whose civic capacities are to be fostered or as targets for top-down training interventions. This systematic thematic review calls attention to the disparate ways in which youth participation is being addressed in psychology and highlights the need for greater theoretical integration in the field of study. ; peerReviewed ; publishedVersion
Youth Participation in Psychological Literature: A Semantic Analysis of Scholarly Publications in the PsycInfo Database
The topic of youth participation in the public sphere has received increasing attention within recent psychological research. The literature remains somewhat fragmented between different conceptualizations varying in their specificity or broadness. The present study aims to map the current state of debate in psychology regarding youth civic and political participation and to identify the prevalent themes that characterize the research in the discipline from 1990 to 2016. A semantic content analysis with the software T-Lab was performed on a corpus of 1,777 publications retrieved from the PsycInfo database. The results highlight the increasing number of academic contributions on the topic, confirming the growing importance of the issue within psychology. The study sheds light on the spheres of participation, in which the discipline has attempted to make a contribution, namely: traditional and online political context, institutional civic education, adolescent development, and rights-based activism. Moreover, the findings reveal the existing opposing priorities of research that focus either on the explanation of specific forms of involvement or on the formation of future citizens. Within the thematic attention to young people's civic and political development, there seem to be two general approaches that see youth in divergent ways: as citizens whose civic capacities are to be fostered or as targets for top-down training interventions. This systematic thematic review calls attention to the disparate ways in which youth participation is being addressed in psychology and highlights the need for greater theoretical integration in the field of study.
Youth Participation in Psychological Literature: Corpus of Scholarly Publications from the PsycInfo Database
The dataset contains a textual corpus of references in psychological academic literature concerning youth participation, engagement and active citizenship. The references were retrieved from the electronic database PsycINFO, which is one of the most important bibliographic sources for international literature in psychology. The research was carried out on 30 August 2016, using each of the following terms: "active citizenship", "civic engagement" or "political engagement", "civic participation" or "political participation", "activism". The key terms that were used were chosen by the authors as most relevant in youth participation literature that treats particularly the public civic and political sphere. These were required to appear together with words denoting young people: "youth*" or "young*", "teen*" or "adolescen*" and delimited to titles, abstracts, keywords or subjects. The analyzed literature consists of 1777 selected entries published between 1990 and mid-2016. The dataset includes the following information: specific identifying information about the text itself (type/year/title/author/journal or book title/author affiliation); as well as information on the search terms used to retrieve the publication; and finally, the abstract/summary retrieved from the PsycInfo database. The corpus was used in specific lexicometric content analysis and the dataset allows its replication or further textual analyses.
A intersubjetividade em Merleau-Ponty e no construcionismo social algumas considerações
In: INTERthesis, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 19
ISSN: 1807-1384 objetivo central de nosso texto é compreendermos a construção da intersubjetividade em Merleau-Ponty, do sujeito na relação com o outro em suas construções existenciais e fazermos a mesma reflexão sobre a concepção do estabelecimento da intersubjetividade na teoria do Construcionismo Social, na possibilidade de um diálogo, sem, contudo, a pressuposição de uma conclusão de acepção moral de atribuição de maior valor a uma teoria em detrimento da outra. Para tanto, iniciamos com algumas breves considerações sobre os afetos e desafetos históricos entre filosofia e psicologia para, posteriormente, delinearmos melhor nosso ponto central em Merleau-Ponty e no Construcionismo Social, desenvolvendo os possíveis significados da intersubjetividade nestes. É interessante notarmos que, apesar da distância no tempo e da construção teórica entre Merleau-Ponty e o Construcionismo Social, podemos verificar uma similaridade na busca de uma solução ao problema sujeito-objeto transcendendo a esta polarização nas considerações sobre a intersubjetividade mesmo que com propostas divergentes.
CATCH-EyoU: Public Authorities engaging with youth: Policy Documents and Interviews: Italy: v01
The data set was generated within the research project Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions (CATCH-EyoU) funded by European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme - Grant Agreement No 649538. The data set is a partial version of the final data set and it includes the data emerged from the analysis of a subset of questions posed to a sample of 17 stakeholders (policy makers, spokespersons of youth organizations and public officials) during the interviews conducted in Italy by the University of Bologna (UNIBO) within the WP3 research activity which aims at collecting data from public written policy documents addressing youth policy at EU, national, regional and local level and generates data from interviews to key policy makers in order to characterize contemporary European Union policy discourses and investigate to what extent European Youth policies have been implemented in various member states during a three year period (2012 – 2014).
Problematic Social Support From Patients' Perspective: The Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
In: Social work in health care: the journal of health care social work ; a quarterly journal adopted by the Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care, Band 53, Heft 5, S. 435-445
ISSN: 1541-034X
Communication of health risks from exposure to depleted uranium (DU) in Italy: a case study
In: Journal of risk research: the official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan, Band 18, Heft 6, S. 771-788
ISSN: 1466-4461
La "riscoperta" della moralitŕ nell'azione collettiva: una rassegna della letteratura psicosociale
In: PArtecipazione e COnflitto: PACO = PArticipation and COnflict, Heft 2, S. 133-150
ISSN: 2035-6609
Conflict Styles and Outcomes in Families with Adolescent Children
In: Social development, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 427-436
ISSN: 1467-9507
Evaluating the Participatory Process in a Community-Based Health Promotion Project
In: Journal of prevention & intervention in the community, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 55-69
ISSN: 1540-7330
Evaluating the Participatory Process in a Community-Based Health Promotion Project
In: Journal of prevention & intervention in the community, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 55-69
ISSN: 1540-7330