Energy efficiency and consumption are now the most important and challenging issues in current Petascale and in designing future Exascale computing systems. The European Union Horizon 2020 READEX project uses an online approach to exploit application dynamism and tune large-scale HPC applications to improve energy efficiency and performance. The paper presents the READEX methodology, consisting of the Design-Time Analysis and Runtime Application Tuning, and describes the pre-analysis steps involving application dynamism and significant region detection. During design-time, the READEX tuning plugin evaluates configurations of hardware and software tuning parameters to determine the best settings for instances of application regions. The runtime tuning dynamically switches to the best configuration for an application region during production runs. Finally, the energy savings obtained for LULESH on the Taurus supercomputer highlight the effectiveness of this methodology.
"The introductory chapter dealing with the Parliament's constitutional design, Chapter 1, is followed by an introduction to the organisation, powers, and processes of the Bangladesh Parliament, Chapter 2. The next three chapters examine the Parliament's horizontal relationship with the Executive, Chapter 3, and Judicial branches, Chapter 4, and its vertical relationship with its electorate, the People, Chapter 5. Chapter 3, Parliament and the Government, assesses the Bangladesh Parliament's capability to enforce the collective and individual ministerial responsibilities, the potentials and hurdles of parliamentary procedure in influencing and shaping the government's legislative proposals, the strengths and weaknesses of the parliamentary committees in scrutinising the government, and the nature and quality of opposition and backbench participation in the parliamentary processes. Initially, the Chapter considers the modern developments in the Ministerial Responsibility Convention and its contemporary critiques in the UK. It then tests the doctrine's utility in Bangladesh's parliamentary practices. Next, the Chapter evaluates the legislative procedure of the Bangladesh Parliament and examines how the parliamentary opposition could use the parliamentary procedures in politics sensitive ways, the Politics of Procedure, to influence the government's legislative programs. The Chapter then deals with the role of parliamentary committees in enforcing executive accountability. This part evaluates whether Bangladesh's parliamentary committees distribute or trade constituency benefits for the MPs or supply quality information, scrutiny, and expertise to the House. This part also considers whether the multi party or coalition governments significantly empower the committees and how partisan cartelisation of the committees impacts their scrutiny power. The next section of the chapter examines how Bangladesh's political party system fares within Anthony King's party modes of executive legislature relation and Edmund Burke's delegate and trustee modes of representation. King's theory is applied to evaluate Bangladesh's inter party and intra party parliamentary behaviour, and Burke's theory is utilised to examine the nature of Bangladeshi MPs representative functions. Chapter 4 considers the Parliament's relationship with the judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, SCB. Bangladesh is a constitutional supremacy where the written rules and principles of the Constitution limit the legislative and judicial branches. Under the Constitution, the legislature and judiciary are locked in a chain of mutual deference, comity, and accountability. However, the lived reality of Bangladesh's parliament judiciary relationship suggests that the Parliament's role in ensuring judicial accountability and the judiciary's role in keeping the Parliament within its constitutional boundaries are shaped by the antagonistic tune of the country's Strong Form of Judicial Review. In this context, the two constitutional branches often transgress each other's boundaries. The last part of the Chapter then considers whether a Democratic Dialogue Model of Judicial Review could be an alternative route to explore. Chapter 5 evaluates the Parliament and its members' vertical and political accountability to their electorate, the people. Chapter 6 identifies the political and attitudinal problems that resist the Bangladesh Parliament's institutionalisation. This chapter offers a history, attitude and institution sensitive explanation of why major reform initiatives attempted in distinct phases of Bangladesh's political history have failed to uplift the institutional stature of the Parliament. Chapter 7 revisits the issues identified in chapters 1 to 6 and tries to make an overall argument as to how Bangladesh's three distinctive Eastminster Traits, selective dictatorship within the government, patriarchal, dynastic and clientelist political selection within the political parties, and an illiberal antagonistic two party system, control the Parliament's performance and contribution within the country's constitutional system"--
The present article is intended to analyze how effective microcredit programs are in alleviating the poverty level of borrowing households in Bangladesh and the Philippines. A quasi-experimental design has been formulated to achieve this objective. The survey design covers two types of households, program households and comparison households. Program households are those which have already received more than one loan from a microcredit program. Comparison households are those which have just joined a microcredit program and therefore have not received any loans from that program. There will be a comparison between the poverty level of both households to assess the impact of microcredit on borrowing households. Adapted from the source document.
ThŒe European Union Horizon 2020 READEX project is developing a tool suite for dynamic energy tuning of HPC applications. ŒThe tool suite performs an analysis during design-time before production run to construct a tuning model encapsulated with the best-found con€gurations that are then fed to the runtime tuning library. ThŒe library switches the confi€gurations at runtime to adapt the application for energy-efficiency.
The FFW (Food-for-Work) Programme aims to improve the human condition by creating off-season employment for the landless and the poor. Based on a survey of 31 projects sites out of a total number of 31 projects taken up in 1981/82 work season, the authors evaluate the engineering aspects of WFP (World Food Programme) - aided FFW projects. The authors conclude that almost all projects were appropriate to the need of the area. (DÜI-Sen)
In: Hossain, D. M. and Chowdhury, M. J. A., Climate Change and Corporate Environmental Responsibility, Middle East Journal of Business, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 4-13. (Lebanon).
This paper examines empirically the impact of micro-credit on poverty in Bangladesh. Unlike previous studies, the focus is on both objective and subjective poverty and particular attention is paid to the length of time programme participants have had access to micro-credit. A household-level survey ( N = 954) was carried out, collecting information about micro-credit recipients from Grameen Bank, the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee and the Association of Social Advancement. Our two main findings are, first, micro-credit is associated with both lower objective and subjective poverty and, secondly, the impact of micro-credit on poverty is particularly strong for about six years with some levelling off after that point.