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2 Ergebnisse
Intro -- Preface -- For Gram +ve Bacterium -- PCR Amplification of 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene -- PCR Product Purification and Sequencing -- 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Homology and Phylogeny Analysis -- Sequence Submission and Culture Deposition -- Molecular Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Bacterium and Phylogeny Analysis -- Evolutionary Relationships of Bacillus sp. SJ-5 -- Molecular Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Properties of Bacteria -- For Grame -ve Bacterium -- Gene Amplification -- Gene Sequencing and Analysis -- Phylogeny Based on 16 rRNA Gene Analyses -- Phylogeny Analysis of PGP Properties Genes -- Contents -- About the Editors -- Chapter 1: Genes to Metabolites and Metabolites to Genes Approaches to Predict Biosynthetic Pathways in Microbes for Natural P... -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Why Microbial Secondary Metabolites Are Needed? -- 1.3 Genome-Based Mining Strategies -- 1.4 Retrograde Pathway Evolution -- 1.5 Pathway Evolution Through Retrobiosynthesis and Retrosynthetic Designs -- 1.6 Genome-Based Mining Tools for Genes to Metabolites (Forward) Approach -- 1.7 Databases Dedicated to Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters -- 1.8 Genome-Based Mining Tools for Metabolites to Genes (Retrosynthetic) Approach -- 1.9 Concluding Remarks -- References -- Chapter 2: Role of Functional Bacterial Phylum Proteobacteria in Glycine max Growth Promotion Under Abiotic Stress: A Glimpse ... -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Soybean Numero Uno Crop -- 2.2.1 Selection and Characterization of PGPR Strains -- 2.2.2 PGPR Characteristics: Case Studies -- Qualitative and Quantitative Estimation of Phosphate Solubilization Under Salt -- ACC Deaminase Activity in Different Salt Concentrations -- Proline Determination in Different Salt Concentrations -- Exopolysaccharide Production.