Cross-border retirement migration plan in Hong Kong middle-aged adults
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 31, Heft 3-4, S. 366-374
38 Ergebnisse
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 31, Heft 3-4, S. 366-374
In: The international journal of social psychiatry, Band 46, Heft 4, S. 237-240
ISSN: 1741-2854
In: Journal of social policy: the journal of the Social Policy Association, Band 54, Heft 1, S. 100-120
ISSN: 1469-7823
AbstractThis article investigates the unique contribution of specific programme characteristics together with personal stigma, stigmatisation by the public, and claims stigma, to the non-take-up of targeted income support among Hong Kong older adults. Drawing on data from a sample of 3,299 Hong Kong older adults aged 65 or above, we find that between 11-14 per cent of eligible participants did not receive cash transfers from Normal and Higher Old Age Living Allowance (OALA) and old-age Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (old-age CSSA). By combining mainstream economic analysis with attempts to quantify welfare stigma (Baumberg, 2016) we find that transaction costs were most consistently and strongly related to non-take-up of targeted income support; non-take-up of old-age CSSA and Higher OALA but not Normal OALA varied with welfare stigma after controlling for personal and household characteristics of study participants. This article further adds to the literature by examining the effect of recent reforms to asset- and means-tested benefits for the same target population of older adults on take-up in the East Asian context. The article suggests that automatic switching of beneficiaries from Normal OALA to Higher OALA effectively facilitated higher take-up of the latter. The policy implications of these various findings are discussed.
In: Social policy and society: SPS ; a journal of the Social Policy Association, Band 19, Heft 3, S. 414-430
ISSN: 1475-3073
This article examines public attitudes towards two reform options for the defined-contribution (DC) Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme in Hong Kong: (i) increasing MPF contributions; or (ii) introducing a universal pension partly funded by switching MPF contributions to the universal pension. Drawing on a phone survey conducted with 975 active contributors to the MPF, we examine whether agreement with these MPF reform options can be explained by respondents' self-interest, attachment to different welfare ideologies, their level of confusion with the MPF, uncertainty about future MPF income, and trust in the Hong Kong government to deal with MPF issues. This research identifies that it is uncertainty with future MPF income and low trust in the Hong Kong government to deal with MPF issues that have the most significant effect on respondents' MPF reform preferences. Mainstream accounts of the effect of liberalist, universalist, conservative, and familistic welfare ideologies are only partially confirmed.
In: Asian population studies, Band 15, Heft 3, S. 282-301
ISSN: 1744-1749
In: International journal of social welfare, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 89-99
ISSN: 1468-2397
This article synthesises the characteristics of social pensions across Asia and evaluates the effect of a new social pension in the Hong Kong SAR, the Old Age Living Allowance (OALA), on poverty alleviation, coverage rates and fiscal sustainability. We found that the effectiveness of the OALA in reducing old‐age poverty was limited, although it has led to an increase of retirement pension coverage by 6%. The OALA is projected to face substantial cost increases in the medium and longer term. Increasing the level of OALA benefits would be a direct means to enhance its poverty alleviation effect but may potentially be hampered by concerns about the fiscal sustainability of such changes. More obfuscated alternatives for Hong Kong policy makers to affect old‐age poverty alleviation include adjusting the indexing rules of benefit level payments and the eligibility criteria to reduce the stigma attached to the current policy choices.
In: Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 131-140
ISSN: 2165-0993
In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 923-944
ISSN: 1467-9221
An intriguing phenomenon documented within political science research is the association between nation‐building programs and increased subnational intergroup conflicts. Based on data collected in Hong Kong, an epicenter of subnational conflicts in China, this article suggests that nation building may intensify the tension between subnational groups because it helps to spread the belief that groups have fixed inherent characteristics. Specifically, in the face of deep intergroup cultural and political differences, people who see their nation as a historically unified entity are more likely to believe that those differences are unchangeable and, in turn, develop negative attitudes toward other subnational groups. We support these arguments with a representative survey of the population and two laboratory experiments. In the first experiment, respondents who are exposed to narratives that emphasize the homogeneity of the Chinese nation report a higher level of fixed group perceptions than those who receive the opposite message. In the second experiment, respondents who are primed to believe that group characteristics are fixed report significantly more negative attitudes toward migrants from other parts of China. Our findings contribute conceptually to the study of nation building and shed new light on the formation of immigration attitudes.
In: Asian and Pacific migration journal: APMJ, Band 27, Heft 3, S. 273-298
ISSN: 2057-049X
The tension between immigrants from Mainland China and Hong Kong locals has intensified in recent years. Using an original telephone survey that interviewed a representative sample of the Hong Kong population, this article evaluates three major explanations—economic self-interest, sociotropic concerns and psychological dispositions—for anti-immigrant sentiments. The findings suggest that negative attitudes toward immigrants are significantly related to sociotropic concerns. More importantly, such concerns are more prevalent among respondents who have a strong "Hong Konger" identity. Overall, this article presents new evidence for evaluating the relative influence of different factors in the formation of immigration attitudes in the Greater China region.
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 51, S. 141-148
In: Social policy and administration, Band 51, Heft 5, S. 738-754
ISSN: 1467-9515
AbstractThe drivers of public support for redistributive policy have stimulated academic debate around the world. The majority of studies use cross‐country surveys conducted in the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development countries to contribute to the debate on whether self‐interest or social values have more influence on public attitudes towards redistribution. Drawing on a phone survey conducted in 2013, this study advances the discussion by investigating public attitudes towards redistribution and social policy changes against the backdrop of buoyant government revenues in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong welfare model, best seen as a parallel to the liberal welfare state, is selective and residual. Contrary to the usual assumption, the social values hypothesis, viewing poverty as societal problems instead of individual reasons, has been supported in the Hong Kong context. It lends support to greater redistribution in a residual welfare state. The policy implications of the findings are also discussed.
In: International journal of social welfare, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 247-258
ISSN: 1468-2397
Using 2011 census data, this study investigated how living arrangement affects disparities in poverty between older adults (aged 65 and older) who migrated to Hong Kong from Mainland China and those who were born in Hong Kong. Our sample consisted of 29,987 immigrants and 9,398 natives, all of whom were ethnic Chinese and living in Hong Kong at the time of the census. We found higher poverty rates among older immigrants than among natives, a disparity that persisted even after adjusting for living arrangement, human capital characteristics, assimilation‐related variables, household composition and demographic characteristics. We also found that living arrangement moderated the impact of immigrant status on the poverty risk among older adults, and that the impact was due mainly to the number of earners in the household. The implications of our results with respect to poverty among older adults and anti‐poverty measures are discussed.
In: Social Policy & Administration, 2015, DOI: 10.1111/Spol.12192
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 33, Heft 4, S. 340-346