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58 Ergebnisse
In: Palgrave connect
In: Economic and Finance collection
In: Elsevier insights
"Banks, Bankers, and Bankruptcies Under Crisis" uses case studies of failed banks, banks that would have failed without taxpayer intervention, and in some cases banks obliged to merge under government pressure, to better understand global banking today. Using these case studies from around the world, including the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Japan, expert Dimitris N. Chorafas examines whether the Basel III new rules might have made a difference for the success of banks during the Great Recession.
In: Palgrave Macmillan studies in banking and financial institutions
The 'good life' for households has passed. The unwanted result which accompanied it is the sea of red ink. Confidence in the western way of life will not return until the current mess of a dysfunctional society, and its economy, is cleared out. Household Finance explains why and how this can be done
The break-up of the euro is a probable "impossibility" -- The start of deglobalization -- Every economy is sick in its own way -- Was political action an honest brokerage or a trap? -- Has euroland been a big political mistake? -- Default on debt which is no more "domestic" -- The lack of leadership is deeply felt in western countries -- Emu and the bubble of eldorado riches -- Europe is paying the price of mismanagement -- Spending time and money on useless "summits" -- If it's a casino society, take me to Las Vegas -- Crisis meetings of chiefs of state without tangible results -- When Europe is stalling the field is open to folklore -- The 19th "summit's" miracle weapons : June 28/29, 2012 -- Throwing the dice in Brussels -- Monti's delight and Merkel's sorrow -- Troubled countries relief program -- With storm clouds over euroland : it's no time for miracle weapons -- Euroland's banking union -- The pains of the Italian economy -- The pains of the Spanish economy and of its banking industry -- ECB, EFSF, ESM, eurobonds and political horse trading -- The European financial stability facility -- European stability mechanism -- Leveraging euroland's funds is wrong way risk -- Dead cat walking : eurobonds -- The French connection -- Throwing money to a four-letter wind : LTRO -- Long term refinancing operation : the Sarkozy trade -- Euroland's drift to financial mismanagement -- The destination of LTRO funds is as important as their amount -- LTROs have moral hazard -- How the powerful became powerless -- Fiscal compact and outright monetary transactions -- The fiscal compact is an upgraded stability and growth pact -- What the fiscal compact might worth in the longer term? -- Economic problems mount as sovereigns lose their luster -- European banking industry and the Liikanen committee -- Outright monetary transactions (OMT) -- Why OMT may end up in a fiasco -- Target2. The creeping risk of a financial nuclear bomb -- Target2 imbalances are still on the rise -- Break
In: Palgrave Macmillan studies in banking and financial institutions
In: Palgrave Macmillan studies in banking and financial institutions
PART I: FINANCIAL RISKS WHICH KEPT PILING UP The World's New Normal Economic System The Newly Poor The Salient Problem is Rights without Responsibilities PART II: LOOSE MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF WEALTH Japanification Conventional and Unconventional Weapons in a Central Bank's Arsenal Fiscal Policies, Spending Policies and Conflicting Aims Restructuring Sovereign Balance Sheets PART III: EUROLAND'S FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AND SOVEREIGN RISK Woes of Euroland's Financial Integration Sovereign Risk: Case Study on Greece Germany, France, Britain, Ireland and 'Club Med' PART IV: THE NEW NORMAL'S EFFECT ON THE WESTERN ECONOMY The North Atlantic Similarities are Greater Than You Think The Eu's Banking Industry and its Stress Testing The Global Systemic Risk has been Programmed for 2014
Dimitris Chorafas argues that European educational standards, from primary schools through to universities, leave much to be desired. He then turns to employment. Already affected by problems with education, employment is fettered by structural issues, ra
In: Palgrave Macmillan studies in banking and financial institutions
This book examines the banking crisis of July/August 2007 and its ensuing after-effects in 2008-2009: economic crisis, credit crunch, massive recapitalization of some banks and nationalization of other banks. The author offers his views on the factors which led to this global financial catastrophe and how it could have been avoided