Essays in Behavioral Economics
This thesis consists of four independent research papers. Chapter 1 ("Media Persuasion and Consumption: Evidence from the Dave Ramsey Show") examines whether entertaining mass media programs can influence individual consumption and savings decisions. I study this question by examining the impact of the Dave Ramsey Show, an iconic US radio talk show which encourages people to spend less and save more. I combine household-level expenditure records from a large scanner panel with fine-grained information about the geographic coverage of the radio show over time. Exploiting the quasi-natural experiment created by the staggered expansion of the radio show from 2004 to 2019, I find that exposure to the radio show decreases monthly household expenditures. This effect is driven by households with initially high expenditures relative to their income. In a mechanism experiment, I document that listening to the radio show has a persistent effect on people's attitudes towards consumption and debt. My findings highlight the potential of entertaining mass media programs for interventions aimed at changing people's financial decisions. Chapter 2 ("Do People Demand Fact-Checked News? Evidence from U.S. Democrats", joint work with Ingar Haaland and Christopher Roth) studies how the demand for a newsletter about an economic relief plan changes when the newsletter content is fact-checked. In a large-scale online experiment with U.S. Democrats, we first document an overall muted demand for fact-checking when the newsletter features stories from an ideologically aligned source, even though fact-checking increases the perceived accuracy of the newsletter. The average impact of fact-checking masks substantial heterogeneity by ideology: fact-checking reduces demand among Democrats with strong ideological views and increases demand among ideologically moderate Democrats. Furthermore, fact-checking increases demand among all Democrats when the newsletter features stories from an ideologically non-aligned source. Chapter 3 ("Fighting ...