Time-Space companions: digital surveillance, social management, and abuse of power during the Covid-19 pandemic in China
In: Critical Asian studies, Band 55, Heft 2, S. 282-305
ISSN: 1472-6033
Based on ethnographic research carried out during the 2022 Covid-19 surge in southern China, this paper examines the roll-out of a contact-tracing tool called the Time-Space Companion project. The project exemplifies a state effort to incorporate data-driven surveillance technology into the public health apparatus during the coronavirus outbreak. By exploring the definition, identification, and management of Time-Space Companions, the paper shows that the project was used to discipline Chinese citizens and shift public health responsibilities onto them by transforming daily life into sites of public health regulation, discipline, and criminalization. The project also exemplified an on-going state effort to leverage surveillance technologies for the purposes of social management. The paper draws attention to the social repercussions that resulted when technology offered a tempting tool to enhance the infrastructural and despotic powers of mundane state actors. (Crit Asian Stud / GIGA)