42 Ergebnisse
On Human Dignity
In: Angewandte Philosophie: eine internationale Zeitschrift = Applied philosophy : an international journal, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 75-83
Anthrax Bioterrorism and Current Vaccines
In: Journal of bioterrorism & biodefense: JBTBD, Band 1, Heft S4
ISSN: 2157-2526
Cultural Intelligence, Psychological Well-Being, and Employability of Taiwan's Indigenous College Students
In: Review of European studies: RES, Band 7, Heft 11
ISSN: 1918-7181
When Traditional Ethnic Culture Encounters Gender Equality: The Dilemma Of Multicultural Education
In recent years, the government of Taiwan has been actively promoting gender equality, the positive results of which are already apparent among the younger generation. This research examines the views of indigenous girls attending secondary school with respect to the gender divide in their traditional culture, whether or not they support the concept of gender equality, and how their career plans are associated with their gender perceptions. Data were collected through participant observation and group interviews. The results indicate that female aboriginals of higher socio-economic standing are becoming less constrained by traditional gender limitations. Although their traditional culture may run counter to the ideology of gender equality, in reality many are learning how to draw on the wisdom of their traditional culture without adopting the concept of masculine domination.
The Positive Investment Premium in China
Dissecting the Expected Investment Growth Premium
A Unified Duration-based Explanation of the Value, Profitability, and Investment Anomalies
Working paper
Regime switching in stochastic models of commodity prices: An application to an optimal tree harvesting problem
In: Journal of economic dynamics & control, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 201-219
ISSN: 0165-1889
Environmental Sustainability Education in Twelve Series of Chinese University English Language Textbooks
In: Sage open, Band 14, Heft 3
ISSN: 2158-2440
Environmental issue is one of the public concerns pertaining to human welfare. English language education is supposed to take its part to contribute to the sustainable development. In this study, a corpus comprising 12 series of English language textbooks used in Chinese universities (48 volumes/books) was constructed to examine the extent to which the textbooks cover the content of environmental education, and how these topics are presented. The large volume dataset was explored by corpus linguistic tools and the in-depth discourse analysis and findings were reported and discussed within the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis. The results suggested that some key environmental semantic domains, such as "Green issues" (e.g., nature, environment, ecology), "Substances and materials" (e.g., pesticide, chemical, carbon dioxide), "Science and technology" (e.g., technologies, nuclear, biotechnology), "Farming & Horticulture" (e.g., farming, crop, agriculture), "Living creatures" (e.g., endangered species, animals, wildlife) were evident. Some topics within these domains such as sustainable environmentalism, energy efficiency and sufficiency were presented and discussed critically. The textbooks are expected to help learners develop knowledge, competencies and futuristic attitudes needed to meet the sustainability challenges in various contexts.
A Cross-National Service Strategy to Manage Product Returns: E-Tailers' Return Policies and the Legitimating Role of the Institutional Environment
In: Journal of service research, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 402-421
ISSN: 1552-7379
Global e-tailers face product returns from across the world, but research on service strategies for successful product return handling in culturally diverse markets is virtually nonexistent. This study examines the drivers of product return–related customer behavior across Western and Eastern cultures. Using a multimethod approach comprising two surveys and one experiment, results from the major Western (United States) and Eastern (China) retail markets show varying patterns for product return behavior and a uniform pattern for repurchase intention. Specifically, return policies that imply high effort restrictiveness decrease product returns in Western but not Eastern cultures, while the perceived customer-oriented institutional environment increases product returns in Eastern but not Western cultures. For repurchase intention, we find that effort restrictiveness in both cultures decreases repurchase intention, while the perceived customer-oriented institutional environment increases repurchase intention. We also find self-interest and legitimacy as the mechanisms responsible for the effect of perceived institutional environment, an important context variable in international marketing that has been neglected in the product return context. These findings enhance our understanding of product returns in different cultural environments and offer valuable insights for an adequate service strategy in product return management by global e-tailers.
Comprehensive evaluation of urban air quality using the relative entropy theory and improved TOPSIS method
In: Air quality, atmosphere and health: an international journal, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 251-258
ISSN: 1873-9326
Supercritical water treatment of heavy metal and arsenic metalloid-bioaccumulating-biomass
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 157, S. 102-110
ISSN: 1090-2414