Pakistan's Agricultural Development since Independence: Intertemporal Trends and Explanations
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 36, Heft 4II, S. 593-612
The main objective of this paper has been to review Pakistan's
historical experience in agricultural development in terms of growth,
income distribution, and rural poverty. While the long-term growth rates
between 1949-50 and 1994-95 were satisfactory, the variations around the
average have been rather too large over the various decades. Beginning
with a stagnating sector of the 1950s, agriculture witnessed record
growth rates during the Sixties. This was followed by the lowest growth
rates of the early Seventies, and acceleration in the second half of the
Seventies. The experience since 1979-80 has been mixed, but the growth
rates have been rather low through the Eighties and the Nineties. The
trends in income distribution and poverty varied directly in relation to
the agricultural growth rates, especially when they were in excess of
the threshold level of 4.5–5.0 percent per annum. In general, a growth
rate of 5.0 percent or higher has induced positive changes in income
distribution and poverty. In view of this positive association, the
pursuit of a high growth policy in agriculture should guide Pakistan's
future development strategy. The efficiency of resource use, a greater
dependence on modern technologies, and a minimisation of government
intervention in the market mechanism are the essential pillars of the
high growth strategy.