Executive report on the stakeholder Hub: attributes, tools and feedback
In this 'Executive report on the Stakeholder Hub: attributes, tools and feedback", we describe the state of the art of the Stakeholder's Hub in the FarFish project. Some of the main questions we try to respond on are related to how the Stakeholder Hub has been designed and implemented, and how gaps and needs in arenas for stakeholder interaction are being matched. This executive report is the first deliverable of Work Package 1 (WP1 - Stakeholder interaction). It summarises the process followed to develop the main tool for engaging stakeholders, at least on a preliminary stage. The Stakeholder Hub is focussed on a multi-level, multi-stakeholder platform, the focal point for policy-makers, NGOs, scientists, fisheries associations, processing organizations, trade companies and other relevant stakeholders. It provides a description of the communication flows within the first project stage about participants and stakeholders to enhance interaction between them, providing an updated list of the key stakeholders gathered to date. Finally, it describes the process of tailoring the Hub, summarizing the steps and tips followed until present time, focussing on the Case Study kick-off meeting that is planned in two months from the publication of this report. ; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 727891.