Health law and medical ethics in Singapore
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- Table of Cases -- Table of Legislation -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- 1 Introduction to the Healthcare System, Health Laws and Regulations -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Meaning and Scope of Health, Disease and Well-Being -- 1.3 Healthcare System in Singapore -- 1.3.1 Healthcare Costs and Insurance -- 1.3.2 Education and Training of Healthcare Professionals and Medical Research -- 1.4 Health-Related Laws and Regulations -- 1.4.1 Healthcare Professionals -- 1.4.2 Healthcare Institutions and Practices -- 1.4.3 Medical Bodies and Institutions -- 1.4.4 Disciplinary Process for Medical Practitioners -- 1.4.5 Legal Liabilities of Medical Practitioners -- 1.5 Conclusion -- 2 Introduction to Medical Ethics -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Ethical Theories -- 2.2.1 Consequentialism -- 2.2.2 Deontology -- 2.2.3 Virtue Ethics -- 2.2.4 Confucianism -- 2.2.5 Care Ethics -- 2.2.6 Justice and Fairness -- 2.2.7 Capabilities Approach -- 2.2.8 Moral and Cultural Relativism -- 2.3 Biomedical Ethics: Principlism -- 2.3.1 Autonomy -- 2.3.2 Non-Maleficence -- 2.3.3 Beneficence -- 2.3.4 Justice -- 2.4 Other Ethical Considerations and Concepts -- 2.4.1 Personhood, Moral Status and Rights -- 2.4.2 Human Dignity -- 2.4.3 Right to Life, Sanctity and Quality of Life -- 2.4.4 Right to Health and Healthcare -- 2.4.5 Doctrine of Double Effect -- 2.5 Medical Ethics in Singapore -- 2.5.1 The SMC Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines 2016 (ECEG 2016) -- 2.6 Conclusion -- 3 Medical Negligence (Part 1) -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Duty of Care -- 3.2.1 The Judicial Formulation and Development of Duty of Care -- 3.2.2 Duty of Care in Medical Contexts -- 3.3. Standard of Care -- 3.3.1 General Principles -- 3.3.2 The Bolam and Bolitho Tests: Diagnosis and Treatment -- 3.3.3 Hii Chii Kok: Medical Advice.