e-Government Implementatıon In Public Administration Of Georgia ; Gürcistan Kamu Yönetiminde E-Devlet Uygulamaları
In: http://hdl.handle.net/11655/5356
ABSTRACT CHALIGAVA, Natia. E-Government Implementation in Public Administration of Georgia, MASTER Thesis, Ankara, 2018. The purpose of this research is the evaluation of e-Government process in Georgia and assessment of its contributions to public administration. Accordingly the first part of this thesis examines the subjects are as following: general structure of public administration in Georgia, historical development process of Georgia public administration system, the new legal order based on the admission of the Constitution, current political and administration structure. The second part of this study investigates conceptual dimensions of e-government implementation with a literature study on e-government model which is a unique part of information society. The third part of this study evaluates e-government implementations in the four countries which are the top ones according to the Electronic Government Development Index and the performance of e-government policies in Georgia public administration. In the last part of this thesis, by conducting a field study it was endeavored to evaluate current situation of e-government implementation process of e-government policies in Georgia public administration and to investigate the contributions this process makes to Georgia public administration. Regarding to the results of the field research it can be mentioned that e-government implementation make important contributions to Georgia public administration. Resting on the findings of both literature review and filed study, it was conducted that the general approach of Georgia towered the implementation of e-government can be evaluated successfully. Georgia government is determined to create an effective e-government with a healthy information infrastructure. In this framework, necessary public policies and regulations were formed for establishing this infrastructure. In conclusion it can be mentioned that Georgia government is enthusiastic and determined to transfer all public services to the electronic environment. ; TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL i DECLARATION ii YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI iii ETİK BEYAN iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v ABSTRACT vi ÖZET vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii LIST OF TABLES xii INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER: I GENERAL STUCTURE OF GEORGIA'S PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 4 1.1. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF GEORGIAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 4 1.1.1. Kingdoms at the Territory of Ancient Georgia 4 1.1.2. The First Administrative Division of Kingdom Kartli 5 1.1.3. Feudal Governance in Georgia 6 1.2. GEORGIAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE GOVERNANCE OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE 7 1.3. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA 9 1.3.1. The First Parliament of Independent Georgia Republic 10 1.3.2. The first Council of Ministers of Independent Georgia Republic 11 Georgian Language as an Official of Georgian Republic 11 1.3.3. Judicial System of Independent Georgia Republic 11 1.3.4. Administrative-Territorial Arrangement of Independent Georgia Republic 12 1.4. PUBLIC ADMINIATRATION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA 13 1.4.1. Civil Servant System of Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia 15 Division of Working Class and Peasantry Class 16 Division of Soviet Civil Employees 17 1.5. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF INDEPENDENT GEORGIA REPUBLIC (1991-2018) 18 1.5.1. Development of public Administration of Georgia Since 1991 19 The First Period- 1991-1997 20 Period from 1998 until 2003 21 The third Period from 2003- up to the Present Day 23 1.5.2. Implemented and Ongoing Reform of Georgia Public Administration 25 1.5.3. Constitution of Georgia 27 Amendment 2004, in Constitution of Georgia 29 Amendment 2009, within the Constitution of Georgia 29 Amendment 2017, within the Constitution of Georgia 30 1.5.4. Governance Structure of Georgia 31 The President of Georgia 32 The Parliament of Georgia 33 Judicial System of Georgia 35 Political Parties 37 1.6. THE GOVERNMETN OF GEORGIA 40 1.6.1. Abkhazian and Ajarian Autonomous Republics of Georgia 42 1.6.2. The Local Governance 44 The Law on Local Government and Self-Governance 45 1.6.3. Public Service of Georgia 46 State Service and Public Service 47 Legal Entities of Public Law (LEPL) 48 1.7. PUBLIC SERVANT 49 1.7.1. The State Servant 50 Classification of Officer's Positions 51 CHAPTER 2: E-GOVERNMENT- THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 53 2.1. HISTORY OF E-GOVERNMENT EMERGENCE IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 53 2.2. E-GOVERNMENT DEFINITIONS 55 2.3. TYPES OF E-GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTATION 58 2.3.1. Government to Citizen (G2C) 60 2.3.2. Government to Business (G2B) 61 2.3.3. Government to Government (G2G) 62 2.4. E-GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT MODELS 63 2.4.1. Gartner Group 4 Stage Development Model 63 2.4.2. Layne and Lee's 4 Stages Development Model 64 2.4.3. West's Four Stage Development Model 65 2.4.4. Hiller and Belanger's Five Stage Development Model 66 2.4.5. World Bank's Three Stage Development Model 67 2.4.6. UN's Five Stage Development Model 68 2.5. BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES OF E-GOVERNMENT 69 2.5.1. Increasing Transparency and Accountability and Strengthening Anti-corruption 71 2.5.2. E-government Helps Improve Efficiency in Government 72 2.5.3. Increasing Citizen Participation and Building Trust 73 2.5.4. Reduced Costs of Government Operations 74 2.5.5. Technical Challenges 75 2.5.6. Organisational Challenges 75 2.5.7. Financial Challenges 76 CHAPTER 3: EXAMPLES OF TOP FOUR COUNTRIES ACROSS THE WORLD IMPLEMENTING E-GOVERNMENT AND E-GOVERNMENT IN GEORGIA 78 3.1. E-GOVERNMENT IN DENMARK 79 3.2. E-GOVERNMEN IN AUSTRALIA 82 3.3. E-GOVERNMENT IN REPUBLIC OF KOREA 85 3.4. E-GOVERNMENT IN UNITED KINGDOM 90 3.5. E-GOVERNMENT IN GEORGIA 93 3.5.1. Development of Information and Communication Technologies in Georgia 94 3.5.2. E-Government Infrastructure in Georgia 95 3.5.3. E-Government Projects in Georgia 98 3.5.4. Open Government Partnership Georgia 100 3.5.5. Legislative Background of E-government 101 The Law of Georgia on Electronic Signature and Electronic Document 102 The Law of Georgia on the Establishment of Data Exchange Agency Legal Entity of Public Law 103 The Law of Georgia on Information Security 103 The Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection 104 3.5.6. Organisational Management of E-Government 104 3.5.7. E-Government Services in Georgia 105 Electronic ID card 107 Digital Signature and Online Authentication 109 3.5.8. E-Government Projects 110 "Public Service Hall" (PSH) Project 110 "JUST drive" Project 113 "Voice of Customer" Project 113 "Citizens" Portal 113 "Community Centers" Project in Georgia 114 "Open Data" Portal 115 "E-Petition" Portal 117 "E-Procurement" Portal 118 "Revenue Services" Portal 119 E-Notary Project 121 E-Health (Currently under development) 123 3.5.9. Development Dynamics of Georgia within E-Government Implementation 124 CHAPTER 4: E-GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTATION IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF GEORGIA: FIELD STUDY 128 4.1. THE PURPOSE OF RESEARCH 129 4.2. RESEARCH GROUP 130 4.2.1. Limitations of Study 132 4.3. RESEARCH METHOD 132 4.3.1. Data Collection Method 133 4.4. ANALYSIS 136 4.4.1. Assessment of Questionnaire 136 Results 137 Reliability Analysis 137 Review of the Findings 138 Reduction of Bureaucracy 138 Increase of Service Quality 139 24/7 Service Nonstop Available Any Time and Usually Every Day 141 Simplified Access to the Information 142 Increased Efficiency in the Delivery of Public Service 142 Ensured Equality of Opportunity in Access to Public Service 143 Ensuring Transparency 144 More Convenient Communication among the Government Agencies 145 Decreased Bribery 146 Increase the Speed of Bureaucracy Procedures 147 4.4.2. Assessment of Interviews 148 Development Stages of E-government Implementation 149 Activities Accelerating the Implementation of E-Government Projects 150 The Benefit of E-Government Implementation 150 Changes would be liked to made into the current e-government projects 151 Obstacles in the E-Government Projects Implementation Process 152 E-Government Related Expectations of Institutions 153 CONCLUSION 155 REFERENCES 162 ; ÖZET CHALIGAVA, Natia. Gürcistan Kamu Yönetiminde E-Devlet Uygulamaları, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2018. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Gürcistan'daki e-Devlet sürecinin değerlendirilmesi ve e-Devlet uygulamalarının Gürcistan kamu yönetiminde ne tür katkılar sağladığını tespit edilmesidir. Bu amaçla da tezin ilk bölümünde Gürcistan'ın kamu yönetiminin genel yapısı; Gürcistan kamu yönetimi sisteminin tarihsel gelişim süreci, Anayasa'nın kabulü ile temeli oluşturulan yeni yasal düzen, Gürcistan'da şu an mevcut olan siyasal ve yönetsel yapı ele alınmış: ikinci bölümünde bilgi toplumunun vazgeçilmez öğesi ve bir çok ülkenin de devlet politikası olan e-Devlet modeli üzerine literatür çalışması yapılarak e-Devlet uygulamalarının kavramsal boyutu incelenmiş ve üçümcü bölümdeyse e-Devlet uygulamalarında en başarılı dört ülke öğrnek incelenmiş ve Gürcistan'da mevcut olan e-Devlet uygulamaları sırayla değerlendirilmiş, e-devlet politikalarının Gürcistan kamu yönetiminde uygulanma süreci genel hatlarıyla irdelenmiştir. Son bölümdeyse, Gürcistan Kamu Yönetiminde E-Devlet Uygulamaları üzerine yürütülen bir alan araştırmasıyla e-Devlet politikalarının Gürcistan kamu yönetiminde uygulanma sürecinin güncel durumu değerlendirilmeye çalişilmiş ve bu sürecin Gürcistan kamu yönetimine ne tür katkılar sağladığı araştırılmıştır. Yürütülen alan araştırması sonucunda elde edilen bulgulardan hareketle, e-devlet uygulamalarının Gürcistan kamu yönetimine olumlu yönde katkılar sağladığı söylenebilir. Tez kapsamında yapılan literatür çalışmaları ve alan araştırması sayesinde genel olarak Gürcistan'ın e-Devlet uygulamalarına ilişkin genel tutumunun pozitif olarak değerlendirilebileceği, Gürcistan'ın etkin bir e-Devletin, sağlıklı bir bilişim altyapısı ile yaşam bulabileceği tespitini kaide aldığı ve sağlıklı bir bilişim altyapısının hazırlanması için gerekli kamu politikalarını oluşturuğu, gerekli düzenlemeleri gerçekleştirdiği, Gürcistan hükümetinin kamu kurum ve kuruluşların sunduğu tüm hizmetlerin elektronik ortama taşınması konusunda istekli ve istikrarlı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.