Analysis of supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycles for a helium-cooled pebble bed blanket DEMO-like fusion power plant
Nuclear fusion is expected to be a clean and almost-unlimited power source in the near future. The first net power demonstration plant (DEMO) is planned to start operation in 2050. The supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO) Brayton cycle is an excellent candidate for integration with a fusion power plant, such as DEMO, because of its high efficiency at intermediate temperatures and low interaction of coolant with tritium. This work analyses a set of S-CO Brayton cycle layouts for its integration in a DEMO-like fusion power plant, considering the specific requirements and heat availability characteristics. A framework has been developed to integrate the PROCESS code and the numerical solver EES to study the thermal and economic aspects of integrating the different S-CO cycle layouts. In total, 14 layouts have been studied and grouped into a more conservative (DEMO1, pulsed operation) and more advanced (DEMO2, steady-state operation) fusion reactors. The PROCESS code has been used to obtain the DEMO 2018 Baseline, which defines the available power from each heat source and their boundary conditions. This code has also been used to assess the cost of the optimal layout. Thermal storage has been added to the DEMO1 scenario to avoid standby times that could negatively affect the cycle equipment lifetime and efficiency. Besides, these boundary conditions have been extended to account for possible technical improvements by the time of its construction in the DEMO2 scenario. A sensitivity analysis of the most characteristic parameters of the cycles shows a strong dependence on the turbine inlet temperature for all layouts, which is constrained by the reactor material limits. The cycle efficiency (electric power produced before consumptions non-related to the cycle) has been selected as the figure of merit for the optimisation. The results show a 38% cycle efficiency for DEMO1 and 56% for DEMO2 scenarios. These efficiencies drop to 20% and 38% values, respectively, when the reactor and cooling loop power consumptions are considered. These values are obtained for current fusion reactor conceptual designs. The economic analysis shows the economic viability of DEMO2 scenarios. ; The authors would like to thank J. Morris, M. Kovari and the rest of the PROCESS team of UKAEA for discussion and guidance on using the UKAEA systems code PROCESS for this work. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant FPU17/06273), the H2020 Marie-Sklodowska Curie programme (grant agreement No. 708257) and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 805162).