Impacts of agricultural irrigation on groundwater salinity
Agricultural irrigation represents the main use of global water resources. Irrigation has an impact on the environment, and scientific evidence suggests that it inevitably leads to salinization of both soil and aquifers. The effects are most pronounced under arid and semi-arid conditions. In considering the varied impacts of irrigation practices on groundwater quality, these can be classed as either direct—the direct result of applying water and accompanying agrochemicals to cropland—or indirect—the effects of irrigation abstractions on groundwater hydrogeochemistry. This paper summarizes and illustrates through paradigmatic case studies the main impacts of irrigation practices on groundwater salinity. Typically, a diverse range of groundwater salinization processes operating concomitantly at different time scales (from days to hundreds of years) is involved in agricultural irrigation. Case studies suggest that the existing paradigm for irrigated agriculture of focusing mainly on crop production increases has contributed to widespread salinization of groundwater resources. ; This study was supported by CEIMAR "Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar" and the projects CADESEM (Grant Number P11-RNM-8115), Junta de Andalucia Regional Government, Spain, and KARSTCLIMA (Grant Number CGL2015-71510-R) and ACUIDESAL (Grant Number CGL2015-67273-R), Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology—FEDER.