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9 Ergebnisse
In: Quaderni del Dipartimento 103
In: Comparazione e cultura giuridica 23
Over the last few years, there has been a surge of interest in small states and territories among legal researchers, with several initiatives aimed at raising awareness and fostering research on the specific legal dimensions of 'small' jurisdictions (i.e. those with less than 1.5 million residents, in a commonly accepted notion), or even of 'micro' ones (even smaller). One reason for this growing interest is the intriguing features of small places, including their unique legal dimensions and their historically successful efforts to survive and stay viable, despite their lacking several elements and resources associated with 'regular' states. Another reason for this interest is the perception that they may serve as laboratories or observatories to analyse dynamics and solutions about governance and the law which may be reproducible – or actually work, if covertly – in 'larger' jurisdictions worldwide. Thus, small jurisdictions epitomise current issues of interest for all governance/legal systems and jurisdictions, and feature prominently in offering useful elements with which to devise new models of statehood, sovereignty and good governance for the 21st century. ; N/A
In: Brexit studies series
Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Legal Framework of EU Security and Law Enforcement Chapter 3. The EU Agencies and other European security-related institutions and arrangements Chapter 4. What Lies Ahead: A Post-Brexit Scenario Analysis Conclusions.
In: Journal of intelligence history: official publication of the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA), Band 16, Heft 2, S. 87-90
ISSN: 2169-5601