In: Human biology: the international journal of population genetics and anthropology ; the official publication of the American Association of Anthropological Genetics, Band 74, Heft 4, S. 555-568
In spite of being very commonly used, the term genetic testing is debatable and used with several meanings. The diversity of existing definitions is confusing for scientists, clinicians and other professionals, health authorities, legislators and regulating agencies and the civil society in general, particularly when genetic testing is the object of guidelines or legal documents. This work compares definitions of genetic testing found in recommendations, guidelines and reports from international institutions, policy makers and professional organizations, but also in documents from other stakeholders in the field, as the pharmaceutical industry, insurers, ethics bodies, patient organizations or human-rights associations. A systematic review of these documents confirmed the extreme variability existing in the concepts and the ambiguous or equivocal use of the term. Some definitions (narrower) focus on methodologies or the material analysed, while others (broader) are information- or context-based. Its scope may range from being synonymous of just DNA analysis, to any test that yields genetic data. Genetic testing and genetic information, which may be derived from a range of medical exams or even family history, are often used interchangeably. Genetic testing and genetic screening are sometimes confused. Human molecular genetics (a discipline) is not always distinguished from molecular biology (a tool). Professional background, geographical context and purpose of the organizations may influence scope and usage. A common consensus definition does not exist. Nevertheless, a clear set of precise definitions may help creating a common language among geneticists and other health professionals. Moreover, a clear context-dependent, operative definition should always be given.
The definition of "genetic testing" is not a simple matter, and the term is often used with different meanings. The purpose of this work was the collection and analysis of European (and other) legislation and policy instruments regarding genetic testing, to scrutinise the definitions of genetic testing therewith contained the following: 60 legal documents were identified and examined—55 national and five international ones. Documents were analysed for the type (context) of testing and the material tested and compared by legal fields (privacy and confidentiality, data protection, biobanks, insurance and labour law, forensic medicine); some instruments are very complex and deal with various legal fields at the same time. There was no standard for the definitions used, and different approaches were identified (from wide general, to some very specific and technically based). Often, legal documents did not contain any definitions, and many did not distinguish between genetic testing and genetic information. Genetic testing was more often defined in non-binding legal documents than in binding ones. Definitions are core elements of legal documents, and their accuracy and harmonisation (particularly within a particular legal field) is critical, not to compromise their enforcement. We believe to have gathered now the evidence for adopting the much needed differentiation between (a) "clinical genetics testing", (b) "genetics laboratory-based genetic testing" and (c) "genetic information", as proposed before.
Genetic testing is a term used in different settings, often with very different meanings. There are only very few studies published about the various possible definitions of "genetic testing", and evidence is lacking from its use in professional practise. The need for precise definitions is particularly felt when producing legislation, policy recommendations or professional guidelines. EuroGentest Unit 3 (Clinical, Community and Public Health Genetics) had, as one of its objectives, to analyse definitions of "genetic testing" and propose consensus working definitions, if possible. To assess what was meant when using this term, in each individual professional context, a questionnaire was developed to evaluate if a consensus definition was desirable and achievable and what items or information should be included in the scope of such a definition. The questionnaire was sent to all EuroGentest partners and other registered users of its website; 135 answers were received, a response rate of 22%. The need for a consensus definition was acknowledged by the vast majority, although there was much less concordance about the possibility of attaining one. Clinical geneticists were the most supportive for context-dependent definitions. Conflicting perspectives arose, however, when discussing the inclusion of some type of tests, material or technology used. At issue seemed to be the distinction between the concepts of genetic material-based testing and genetic information.