Evaluation of tumor interstitial fluid-extraction methods for proteome analysis: comparison of biopsy elution versus centrifugation
The analysis of Tumor Interstitial Fluid (TIF) composition is a valuable procedure to identify anti-metastatic targets, and different laboratories have set up techniques for TIF isolation and proteomic analyses. However, those methods had never been compared in samples from the same tumor and patient. In this work, we compared the two most used methods, elution and centrifugation, in pieces of the same biopsy samples of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). First, we established that high G-force(10000g) was required to obtain TIF from cSCC by centrifugation. Secondly, we compared the centrifugation method with the elution method in pieces of three different cSCC tumors. We found that the mean protein intensities based in the number of peptide spectrum matches was significantly higher in the centrifuged samples than in the eluted samples. Regarding the robustness of the methods, we observed higher overlapping between both methods (77-80%) than among samples (50%). These results suggest that exists an elevated consistence of TIF composition independently of the method used. However, we observed a three-fold increase of extracellular proteins in non-overlapped proteome obtained by centrifugation. We therefore conclude that centrifugation is the method of choice to study the proteome of TIF from cutaneous biopsies. ; We thank Rosa Ayala for analyzing already published TIF dataset and the members of the dermatology department of HUAV to collaborate for the sample collection. This work was funded by Catalan Government (2017-SGR-569). C Matas is recipient of an intramural grant from Lleida Institute for Biomedical Research-Dr. Pifarré Foundation supported by Diputació de Lleida. M. Guasch was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from UdL. The proteomics analyses were performed in the IDIBELL Clinical Proteomic unit that is part of the Proteored, PRB3 and is supported by grant PT17/0019, of the PE I+D+i 2013-2016, funded by ISCIII and ERDF. This article is dedicated to Glòria Nadal Xifra and Narcís Matas Ros