Great ape genetic diversity and population history
Most great ape genetic variation remains uncharacterized1, 2; however, its study is critical for understanding population history3, 4, 5, 6, recombination7, selection8 and susceptibility to disease9, 10. Here we sequence to high coverage a total of 79 wild- and captive-born individuals representing all six great ape species and seven subspecies and report 88.8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms. Our analysis provides support for genetically distinct populations within each species, signals of gene flow, and the split of common chimpanzees into two distinct groups: Nigeria–Cameroon/western and central/eastern populations. We find extensive inbreeding in almost all wild populations, with eastern gorillas being the most extreme. Inferred effective population sizes have varied radically over time in different lineages and this appears to have a profound effect on the genetic diversity at, or close to, genes in almost all species. We discover and assign 1,982 loss-of-function variants throughout the human and great ape lineages, determining that the rate of gene loss has not been different in the human branch compared to other internal branches in the great ape phylogeny. This comprehensive catalogue of great ape genome diversity provides a framework for understanding evolution and a resource for more effective management of wild and captive great ape populations. ; We thank the following funding agencies: ERC Starting Grant (260372) to T.M.-B.;NIH grants HG002385 to E.E.E., R01_HG005226 to K.R.V., A.E.W., M.F.H., L.S. and J.D.W., GM100233 and NSF HOMINID grant 1032255 to D.R. and He.Li.;MICINN(Spain)BFU2011-28549toT.M.-B.,BFU2010-19443toJa.Be.,Spanish Government and FEDER for grants BFU2009-13409-C02-02 and BFU2012-38236 to A.N. and J.P.-M., Direcció General de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya (Grup de Recerca Consolidat 2009 SGR 1101) to Ja.Be., D.C., A.N. and T.M.-B.; ERC Advanced Grant (233297) and Max Planck Society to S. Paabo; Danish Council for Independent Research Natural Sciences to H.S.; Spanish Grant (CGL-2010-20170) and Zoo de Barcelona (Beca PRIC) to A.R.-H.; EUPRIM-Net to BPRC; DP1ES022577-04 NIH grant to S.A.T.; NSF Grant 0755823 to M.K.G.; P.G. is supported by the G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation. A.N. and T.M.-B. are ICREA Research Investigators (Institut Català d'Estudis i Recerca Avançats de la Generalitat de Catalunya) supported by the Zoo de Barcelona and l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. P.H.S. is supported by an HHMI International Student Fellowship. E.E.E. is an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.