This essay aims to analyze the reception of the "Myth of Icarus and Daedalus" in colonial America. Starting from the moralizing function of the Ovidian Icarus asexemplum ex contrarioin the festive and political discourse of the early eighteenth century, the article analyzes its specific re-reading in the Enlightenment debate, through the contribution of the royal Cosmographer Cosme Bueno with his "Disertación sobre el arte de Volar" (1790) and the "Nuevo sistema de navegar por los aires" (1762) by Santiago de Cárdenas. ; El ensayo se propone analizar la recepción del "mito de Ícaro y Dédalo" en la América colonial. A partir de la función moralizadora del Ícaro ovidiano comoexemplum ex contrarioen el discurso festivo y político de inicios del siglo XVIII, el artículo analiza su específica relectura en el debate ilustrado del Perú, mediante el aporte del Cosmógrafo real Cosme Bueno con su "Disertación sobre el arte de Volar" (1790) y el "Nuevo sistema de navegar por los aires" (1762) del limeño Santiago de Cárdenas.
El ensayo se propone analizar la recepción del "mito de Ícaro y Dédalo" en la América colonial. A partir de la función moralizadora del Ícaro ovidiano como exemplum ex contrario en el discurso festivo y político de inicios del siglo XVIII, el artículo analiza su específica relectura en el debate ilustrado del Perú, mediante el aporte del Cosmógrafo real Cosme Bueno con su "Disertación sobre el arte de Volar" (1790) y el "Nuevo sistema de navegar por los aires" (1762) del limeño Santiago de Cárdenas. ; This essay aims to analyze the reception of the "Myth of Icarus and Daedalus" in colonial America. Starting from the moralizing function of the Ovidian Icarus as exemplum ex contrario in the festive and political discourse of the early eighteenth century, the article analyzes its specific re-reading in the Enlightenment debate, through the contribution of the royal Cosmographer Cosme Bueno with his "Disertación sobre el arte de Volar" (1790) and the "Nuevo sistema de navegar por los aires" (1762) by Santiago de Cárdenas. ; Dossier: "Ojo cielo". Poéticas y estéticas de la aviación en el contexto latinoamericano ; Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación
Carlos Alberto Trujillo Ampuero es un escritor y académico conocido y respetado en Chile, Estados Unidos y otros países. En Chiloé fundó junto con Renato Cárdenasel grupo de poesía AUMEN en 1975, que revitalizó la literatura y contribuyó a la modernización de la cultura del archipiélago, además de la investigación de la cultura propia. En Castro se realizaron diversas actividades literarias, entre ellos el primer encuentro nacional de poesía, organizado por AUMEN, en medio de las represiones de la dictadura militar que terminó por exonerar a los profesores del grupo y encarcelar a algunos de ellos.
This paper analyses the subversive poetry No se engañe nadie, no, Lope Sin Pega, compiled and introduced by Carlos Alberto Trujillo in the framework of post-vanguard literature. The book referred to uses the mask as a basic strategy, to intervene in the political fight against the Chilean dictatorship the clandestine situation of authorship and enunciation. The mask is used as an element of confusing identities to hide the empirical author and also the use of specific forms of transtextuality (parody, satire, allusions, intertexts) to refer to a country with its rights abolished between 1973 and 1988. ; Este trabajo estudia la poesía subversiva de No se engañe nadie, no. Lope Sin Pega, compilado y prologado por Carlos Alberto Trujillo, en el marco de la literatura postvanguardista. El libro mencionado utiliza como estrategias básicas para intervenir en la lucha política contra la dictadura militar chilena la situación de clandestinidad de la autoría y de la enunciación, la máscara usada como confusión de identidades para ocultar al autor empírico y el uso de formas específicas de transtextualidad (parodia, sátira, alusiones, intertextos) para referirse al país con sus derechos abolidos entre 1973 y 1988.
This paper interprets the book Ratada, written by the poet Rosabetty Muñoz, as metaphors(allegory) for the chilean society during the military dictatorship. In this reading, Ratada becomes therapeutic writing, as it provokes in the reader's mind an effect of pain equivalent to the cleansing of wounds, necessary for the healing of the body. ; Este trabajo interpreta el libro Ratada, de la poeta Rosabetty Muñoz, como metáforas (alegoría) de la sociedad chilena durante la dictadura militar. Leída de este modo, Ratada es una escritura terapéutica, pues provoca en la conciencia del lector un efecto de dolor equivalente al de la limpieza de las heridas, necesaria para que el cuerpo sane.
The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase forms two multi-protein signaling complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2, which are master regulators of cell growth, metabolism, survival and autophagy. Two of the subunits of these complexes are mLST8 and Raptor, β-propeller proteins that stabilize the mTOR kinase and recruit substrates, respectively. Here we report that the eukaryotic chaperonin CCT plays a key role in mTORC assembly and signaling by folding both mLST8 and Raptor. A high resolution (4.0 Å) cryo-EM structure of the human mLST8-CCT intermediate isolated directly from cells shows mLST8 in a near-native state bound to CCT deep within the folding chamber between the two CCT rings, and interacting mainly with the disordered N- and C-termini of specific CCT subunits of both rings. These findings describe a unique function of CCT in mTORC assembly and a distinct binding site in CCT for mLST8, far from those found for similar β-propeller proteins. ; This research was supported by the grant BFU2016-75984 (AEI/FEDER, EU) and the Madrid Regional Government (grant S2013/MIT2807) to J.M.V. as well as the US National Institutes of Health grant EY012287 to BMW and fellowships from the Brigham Young University Simmons Center for Cancer Research to W.G.L., N.C.T., T.A. and M.D.
The Astrophysical Journal 806.1 (2015): 4 reproduced by permission of the AAS ; We present a new determination of the concentration-mass (c-M) relation for galaxy clusters based on our comprehensive lensing analysis of 19 X-ray selected galaxy clusters from the Cluster Lensing and Supernova Survey with Hubble (CLASH). Our sample spans a redshift range between 0.19 and 0.89. We combine weak-lensing constraints from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and from ground-based wide-field data with strong lensing constraints from HST. The results are reconstructions of the surface-mass density for all CLASH clusters on multi-scale grids. Our derivation of Navarro-Frenk-White parameters yields virial masses between 0.53 x 10 15 M⊙/ h and 1.76 x 10 15 M⊙/ h and the halo concentrations are distributed around c200c∼3.7 with a 1σ significant negative slope with cluster mass. We find an excellent 4% agreement in the median ratio of our measured concentrations for each cluster and the respective expectation from numerical simulations after accounting for the CLASH selection function based on X-ray morphology. The simulations are analyzed in two dimensions to account for possible biases in the lensing reconstructions due to projection effects. The theoretical c-M relation from our X-ray selected set of simulated clusters and the c-M relation derived directly from the CLASH data agree at the 90% confidence level ; The research was in part carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. J. M. has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under REA grant agreement number 627288. M. M. thanks ORAU and NASA for supporting his research at JPL and acknowledges support from the contract ASI/INAF I/023/12/0, INFN/PD51, and the PRIN MIUR 20102011 "The dark universe and the cosmic evolution of baryons: from current surveys to Euclid." K. U. acknowledges support from the National Science Council of Taiwan (grant NSC100-2112-M-001-008-MY3) and from the Academia Sinica Career Development Award. Support for A. Z. is provided by NASA through Hubble Fellowship grant #HST-HF-51334.01 A awarded by STScI. D. G., S. S. and P. R. were supported by SFB Transregio 33 "The Dark universe" by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the DFG cluster of excellence "Origin and Structure of the universe." This work was supported in part by contract research "Internationale Spitzenforschung II/2-6" of the Baden Württemberg Stiftung. The Dark Cosmology Centre is funded by the DNRF. J. S. was supported by NSF/AST1313447, NASA/NNX11AB07G, and the Norris Foundation CCAT Postdoctoral Fellowship. E.R. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation AST-1210973, SAO TM3-14008X (issued under NASA Contract No. NAS8-03060)