Alaska is frequently at the center of national and international climate change discussions. It is the only U.S. state that lies partially in the Arctic, where so much global climate change has been recorded. It is the only state with indigenous people who live in the Arctic and who harvest fish and game from Arctic waters and lands. It is the only state with thousands of square miles of permafrost—permanently frozen dirt mixed with ice under the ground cover that on the arctic coastal plain can extend 2,000 feet below the surface.
The News Untold offers an important new perspective on media narratives about poverty in Appalachia. It focuses on how small-town reporters and editors in some of the region's poorest communities decide what aspects of poverty are news, how their audiences interpret those decisions, and how those two related processes help shape understandings of economic need and local social responsibility. Focusing on pattterns of both media creation and consumption, it shows how a lack of constructive news coverage of economic need can make it harder for the poor to voice their concerns. -- Provided by publisher.
AbstractThis chapter provides a brief overview of the state‐of‐the‐science regarding empirically tested HIV prevention programs that focus on sexual behavior change. Interventions developed for use with individuals, small groups, schools, communities, and entire populations are reviewed.
From rags: 1863-1882 -- Emerson's empire beings: 1882-1895 -- Cold cash: 1896-1900 -- Salt bandwagon: 1901-1905 -- Soda ash is where it's at: 1906-1910 -- The very fair senator: 1911-1916 -- Boxes, bags and trolleys: 1917-1920 -- The affluent life: 1921-1922 -- Soaring to new highs and digging to new lows: 1923-1931 -- The final years: 1931-1935.
This study investigated (a) whether childhood sexual abuse (CSA) was uniquely associated with adult sexual risk behavior, after controlling for other types of childhood maltreatment and (b) whether there were additive or interactive effects of different types of maltreatment on adult sexual risk behavior. Participants were 414 women (M age = 28 years) attending a publicly funded STD clinic. All women completed a computerized survey assessing childhood maltreatment (sexual, physical, psychological abuse, and neglect) and sexual risk behavior. Analyses showed that sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect were associated with adult sexual risk behavior. Multivariate analyses that controlled for all other forms of child maltreatment showed that only CSA was uniquely associated with adult sexual risk behavior (i.e., percentage of episodes of unprotected sex in the past 3 months and number of lifetime partners). The authors found little support for an additive or an interactive model of the effects of different types of childhood maltreatment on adult sexual risk behavior; CSA alone was the best predictor of adult sexual risk behavior. Sexual risk reduction interventions are needed for women who were sexually abused as children. Continued research on the effects of multitype maltreatment on adult sexual risk behavior is needed.