Structural Damage Analysis After a Detonation Using the Discrete Element Method
The computational simulation of detonation phenomena to construe the damage caused to urban structures is studied in this work. The theoretical approach to approximate the detonation shockwave and the mathematical formulation related with the Discrete Element Method (DEM) are discussed rst, then the test proposed to simulate detonations over structures is explained. The parameters assigned to characterize the structural physical properties corresponds to the most widely used materials to build civil constructions and public spaces. The damage analysis is focused on the structure sti ness, load capacity and lost of the mesh cohesive bonds after the shockwave impact. Multiple numerical simulation results of several scenaries with di erent explosive load masses and sundry distances between the structure and the detonation origin are studied in order to generate vulneravility curves, which will allow to know the expected damage of buildings when the only information available are the building material physical properties, the distance from the detonation and the explosive load mass. Finally, an index of damage after detonation (IDAD) is proposed to classify an incident and to understand easily the potentially hazard of a given detonation. Establish information about eventual catastrophic scenarios to support the decision making is the main purpose of this work, contributing with the Design Safer Urban Spaces (DESURBS) project, which is sponsored by the European Union and the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the Research and Innovation European Commission, and supported by the International Center of Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) among other research centers.