Geophilosophie de Deleuze entre esthétiques et politiques
In: L' oeil et l'esprit = L' occhio e lo spirito 12
11 Ergebnisse
In: L' oeil et l'esprit = L' occhio e lo spirito 12
In: Northwestern University studies in phenomenology and existential philosophy
In: Chiasmi international 1
Intro -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Chapter 1: A Ten-Point Introduction: Relearning to See Screens-The Effects of the Pandemic and a Phenomenological Epoché -- References -- Chapter 2: On the Powers of the Arche-screen -- 2.1 Toward an Anthropology of Screen Experiences -- 2.2 In the Beginning Was the Body -- 2.3 The Adventures of Screen Objects in a Compendium -- 2.4 Empathy for Shadows and Shadows as a Spectacle -- References -- Chapter 3: Screens as Prostheses of Our Bodies -- 3.1 The Skin as a Screen -- 3.2 From the Biblical Veil to Alberti's Veil -- 3.3 The Term "Screen" in the Scientific Sphere: The Case of the Solar Microscope -- 3.4 The Film or Pellicle as a Technology Related to the Past, and the Present Hybridization of Analog and Digital -- References -- Chapter 4: Images and Words: Screen Functions and Technologies of Expression -- 4.1 Books, Screens, and "Culture Wars" -- 4.2 Logos, Flesh, and "Screen Thinking" -- 4.3 Words Seeking Their Images: Pictures as a "Book for the Illiterate" -- 4.4 Images Seeking Their Words: Regimes of Visibility and Regimes of Speakability -- 4.5 Digital Screens and Technologies of Expression -- 4.6 Writing, Code, and Visualization -- References -- Chapter 5: The Ideology of "Transparency 2.0" -- 5.1 The Cultural Hegemony of the Visual and the Ideology of "Transparency 2.0" -- 5.2 The "Ocular Power" -- 5.3 The Illusion of Disintermediation -- 5.4 Desire for Exposure and Subjugation -- 5.5 Surveillance Between Control and Protection -- References -- Chapter 6: Screens'r'us: From Bodies with Prostheses to Bodies as "Quasi-Prostheses"? -- 6.1 We, Quasi-Prostheses of Our Technologies -- 6.2 Our Retina as a Quasi-Prosthesis and the Market of Gazes -- 6.3 A "Quasi-Return" to the Primary Interface: The Skin as a Quasi-Prosthesis.
In: Studia humaniora 4
This book shows that screens don't just distribute the visible and the invisible, but have always mediated our body's relationships with the physical and anthropological-cultural environment. By combining a series of historical-genealogical reconstructions going back to prehistoric times with the analysis of present and near-future technologies, the authors show that screens have always incorporated not only the hiding/showing functions but also the protecting/exposing ones, as the Covid-19 pandemic retaught us. The intertwining of these functions allows the authors to criticize the mainstream ideas of images as inseparable from screens, of words as opposed to images, and of what they call "Transparency 2.0" ideology, which currently dominates our socio-political life. Moreover, they show how wearable technologies don't approximate us to a presumed disappearance of screens but seem to draw a circular pathway back to using our bodies as screens. This raises new relational, ethical, and political questions, which this book helps to illuminate.
In: L'occhio e lo spirito n. 48